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Title: Scalebar#

Dependencies: Bokeh

Backends: Bokeh

The scalebar feature overlays a scale bar on the element to help gauge the size of features on a plot. This is particularly useful for maps, images like CT or MRI scans, and other scenarios where traditional axes might be insufficient.

import holoviews as hv
import numpy as np


pollen = hv.RGB.load_image("../assets/pollen.png", bounds=(-10, -5, 10, 15)).opts(scalebar=True)

Zoom in and out to see the scale bar dynamically adjust.

Custom Units#

By default, the scalebar uses meters. To customize the units, use the scalebar_unit parameter, which accepts a tuple of two strings: the first for the actual measurement and the second for the base unit that remains invariant regardless of scale. In the example below, the y-axis unit is micro-volts (µV), and the base unit is Volts (V).

You can also apply a unit to the y-label independently of the scale bar specification using hv.Dimension.

dim = hv.Dimension('Voltage', unit='µV')
hv.Curve(np.random.rand(1000), ['time'], [dim]).opts(
    scalebar_unit=('µV', 'V'),


In the plot above, you can see that we applied the scalebar to the y-axis by specifying the scalebar_range argument. Below are further customization options for the scalebar:

  • The scalebar_location parameter defines the positioning anchor for the scalebar, with options like “bottom_right”, “top_left”, “center”, etc.

  • The scalebar_label parameter allows customization of the label template, using variables such as @{value} and @{unit}.

  • The scalebar_opts parameter enables specific styling options for the scalebar, as detailed in the Bokeh’s documentation.

All these parameters are only utilized if scalebar is set to True in .opts().

dim = hv.Dimension('Voltage', unit='µV')
hv.Curve(np.random.rand(1000), ['time'], [dim]).opts(
    scalebar_unit=('µV', 'V'),
    scalebar_location = 'top_right',
    scalebar_label = '@{value} [@{unit}]',
        'background_fill_alpha': 0,
        'border_line_color': None,
        'label_text_font_size': '20px',
        'label_text_color': 'maroon',
        'label_text_alpha': .5,
        'label_location': 'left',
        'length_sizing': 'exact',
        'bar_length': 0.5,
        'bar_line_color': 'maroon',
        'bar_line_alpha': .5,        
        'bar_line_width': 5,
        'margin': 0,
        'padding': 5,


The scalebar tool is added to the toolbar with a measurement ruler icon. Toggling this icon will either hide or show the scalebars. To remove scalebar icon from the toolbar, set scalebar_tool = False.

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