import inspect
import re
import warnings
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import (
units as munits,
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, cnames
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.markers import MarkerStyle
from matplotlib.patches import Path, PathPatch
from matplotlib.rcsetup import validate_fontsize, validate_fonttype, validate_hatch
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D, Bbox, TransformedBbox
from packaging.version import Version
try: # starting Matplotlib 3.4.0
from matplotlib._enums import (
CapStyle as validate_capstyle,
JoinStyle as validate_joinstyle,
except ImportError: # before Matplotlib 3.4.0
from matplotlib.rcsetup import validate_capstyle, validate_joinstyle
from nc_time_axis import CalendarDateTime, NetCDFTimeConverter
nc_axis_available = True
except ImportError:
from matplotlib.dates import DateConverter
NetCDFTimeConverter = DateConverter
nc_axis_available = False
from ...core.util import arraylike_types, cftime_types, is_number
from ...element import RGB, Polygons, Raster
from ..util import COLOR_ALIASES, RGB_HEX_REGEX
mpl_version = Version(mpl.__version__)
[docs]def is_color(color):
Checks if supplied object is a valid color spec.
if not isinstance(color, str):
return False
elif RGB_HEX_REGEX.match(color):
return True
elif color in COLOR_ALIASES:
return True
elif color in cnames:
return True
return False
validators = {
'alpha': lambda x: is_number(x) and (0 <= x <= 1),
'capstyle': validate_capstyle,
'color': is_color,
'fontsize': validate_fontsize,
'fonttype': validate_fonttype,
'hatch': validate_hatch,
'joinstyle': validate_joinstyle,
'marker': lambda x: (
x in Line2D.markers
or isinstance(x, (MarkerStyle, Path))
or (isinstance(x, str) and x.startswith('$') and x.endswith('$'))
's': lambda x: is_number(x) and (x >= 0)
def get_old_rcparams():
deprecated_rcparams = [
'savefig.frameon', # deprecated in MPL 3.1, to be removed in 3.3
'verbose.level', # deprecated in MPL 3.1, to be removed in 3.3
'verbose.fileo', # deprecated in MPL 3.1, to be removed in 3.3
'datapath', # deprecated in MPL 3.2.1, to be removed in 3.3
'text.latex.preview', # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1
'animation.avconv_args', # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1
'animation.avconv_path', # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1
'animation.html_args', # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1
'keymap.all_axes', # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1
'savefig.jpeg_quality' # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1
old_rcparams = {
k: v for k, v in mpl.rcParams.items()
if mpl_version < Version('3.0') or k not in deprecated_rcparams
return old_rcparams
def get_validator(style):
for k, v in validators.items():
if style.endswith(k) and (len(style) != 1 or style == k):
return v
[docs]def validate(style, value, vectorized=True):
Validates a style and associated value.
style: str
The style to validate (e.g. 'color', 'size' or 'marker')
The style value to validate
vectorized: bool
Whether validator should allow vectorized setting
valid: boolean or None
If validation is supported returns boolean, otherwise None
validator = get_validator(style)
if validator is None:
return None
if isinstance(value, arraylike_types+(list,)) and vectorized:
return all(validator(v) for v in value)
valid = validator(value)
return False if valid == False else True
except Exception:
return False
[docs]def filter_styles(style, group, other_groups, blacklist=None):
Filters styles which are specific to a particular artist, e.g.
for a GraphPlot this will filter options specific to the nodes and
style: dict
Dictionary of styles and values
group: str
Group within the styles to filter for
other_groups: list
Other groups to filter out
blacklist: list (optional)
List of options to filter out
filtered: dict
Filtered dictionary of styles
if blacklist is None:
blacklist = []
group = group+'_'
filtered = {}
for k, v in style.items():
if (any(k.startswith(p) for p in other_groups)
or k.startswith(group) or k in blacklist):
filtered[k] = v
for k, v in style.items():
if not k.startswith(group) or k in blacklist:
filtered[k[len(group):]] = v
return filtered
def unpack_adjoints(ratios):
new_ratios = {}
offset = 0
for k, (num, ratio_values) in sorted(ratios.items()):
unpacked = [[] for _ in range(num)]
for r in ratio_values:
nr = len(r)
for i in range(num):
unpacked[i].append(r[i] if i < nr else np.nan)
for i, r in enumerate(unpacked):
new_ratios[k+i+offset] = r
offset += num-1
return new_ratios
def normalize_ratios(ratios):
normalized = {}
for i, v in enumerate(zip(*ratios.values())):
arr = np.array(v)
normalized[i] = arr/float(np.nanmax(arr))
return normalized
def compute_ratios(ratios, normalized=True):
unpacked = unpack_adjoints(ratios)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered')
if normalized:
unpacked = normalize_ratios(unpacked)
sorted_ratios = sorted(unpacked.items())
return np.nanmax(np.vstack([v for _, v in sorted_ratios]), axis=0)
[docs]def axis_overlap(ax1, ax2):
Tests whether two axes overlap vertically
b1, t1 = ax1.get_position().intervaly
b2, t2 = ax2.get_position().intervaly
return t1 > b2 and b1 < t2
[docs]def resolve_rows(rows):
Recursively iterate over lists of axes merging
them by their vertical overlap leaving a list
of rows.
merged_rows = []
for row in rows:
overlap = False
for mrow in merged_rows:
if any(axis_overlap(ax1, ax2) for ax1 in row
for ax2 in mrow):
mrow += row
overlap = True
if not overlap:
if rows == merged_rows:
return rows
return resolve_rows(merged_rows)
[docs]def fix_aspect(fig, nrows, ncols, title=None, extra_artists=None,
vspace=0.2, hspace=0.2):
Calculate heights and widths of axes and adjust
the size of the figure to match the aspect.
if extra_artists is None:
extra_artists = []
w, h = fig.get_size_inches()
# Compute maximum height and width of each row and columns
rows = resolve_rows([[ax] for ax in fig.axes])
rs, cs = len(rows), max([len(r) for r in rows])
heights = [[] for i in range(cs)]
widths = [[] for i in range(rs)]
for r, row in enumerate(rows):
for c, ax in enumerate(row):
bbox = ax.get_tightbbox(fig.canvas.get_renderer())
height = (max([sum(c) for c in heights])) + nrows*vspace*fig.dpi
width = (max([sum(r) for r in widths])) + ncols*hspace*fig.dpi
# Compute aspect and set new size (in inches)
aspect = height/width
offset = 0
if title and title.get_text():
offset = title.get_window_extent().height/fig.dpi
fig.set_size_inches(w, (w*aspect)+offset)
# Redraw and adjust title position if defined
if title and title.get_text():
extra_artists = [a for a in extra_artists
if a is not title]
bbox = get_tight_bbox(fig, extra_artists)
top = bbox.intervaly[1]
if title and title.get_text():
[docs]def get_tight_bbox(fig, bbox_extra_artists=None, pad=None):
Compute a tight bounding box around all the artists in the figure.
if bbox_extra_artists is None:
bbox_extra_artists = []
renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer()
bbox_inches = fig.get_tightbbox(renderer)
bbox_artists = bbox_extra_artists[:]
bbox_artists += fig.get_default_bbox_extra_artists()
bbox_filtered = []
for a in bbox_artists:
bbox = a.get_window_extent(renderer)
if isinstance(bbox, tuple):
if a.get_clip_on():
clip_box = a.get_clip_box()
if clip_box is not None:
bbox = Bbox.intersection(bbox, clip_box)
clip_path = a.get_clip_path()
if clip_path is not None and bbox is not None:
clip_path = clip_path.get_fully_transformed_path()
bbox = Bbox.intersection(bbox,
if (
bbox is not None and
(bbox.width != 0 or bbox.height != 0) and
if bbox_filtered:
_bbox = Bbox.union(bbox_filtered)
trans = Affine2D().scale(1.0 / fig.dpi)
bbox_extra = TransformedBbox(_bbox, trans)
bbox_inches = Bbox.union([bbox_inches, bbox_extra])
return bbox_inches.padded(pad) if pad else bbox_inches
[docs]def get_raster_array(image):
Return the array data from any Raster or Image type
if isinstance(image, RGB):
rgb = image.rgb
data = np.dstack([np.flipud(rgb.dimension_values(d, flat=False))
for d in rgb.vdims])
data = image.dimension_values(2, flat=False)
if type(image) is Raster:
data = data.T
data = np.flipud(data)
return data
[docs]def ring_coding(array):
Produces matplotlib Path codes for exterior and interior rings
of a polygon geometry.
# The codes will be all "LINETO" commands, except for "MOVETO"s at the
# beginning of each subpath
n = len(array)
codes = np.ones(n, dtype=Path.code_type) * Path.LINETO
codes[0] = Path.MOVETO
codes[-1] = Path.CLOSEPOLY
return codes
[docs]def polygons_to_path_patches(element):
Converts Polygons into list of lists of matplotlib.patches.PathPatch
objects including any specified holes. Each list represents one
paths = element.split(datatype='array', dimensions=element.kdims)
has_holes = isinstance(element, Polygons) and element.interface.has_holes(element)
holes = element.interface.holes(element) if has_holes else None
mpl_paths = []
for i, path in enumerate(paths):
splits = np.where(np.isnan(path[:, :2].astype('float')).sum(axis=1))[0]
arrays = np.split(path, splits+1) if len(splits) else [path]
subpath = []
for j, array in enumerate(arrays):
if j != (len(arrays)-1):
array = array[:-1]
if (array[0] != array[-1]).any():
array = np.append(array, array[:1], axis=0)
interiors = []
for interior in (holes[i][j] if has_holes else []):
if (interior[0] != interior[-1]).any():
interior = np.append(interior, interior[:1], axis=0)
vertices = np.concatenate([array]+interiors)
codes = np.concatenate([ring_coding(array)]+
[ring_coding(h) for h in interiors])
subpath.append(PathPatch(Path(vertices, codes)))
return mpl_paths
[docs]class CFTimeConverter(NetCDFTimeConverter):
Defines conversions for cftime types by extending nc_time_axis.
[docs] @classmethod
def convert(cls, value, unit, axis):
if not nc_axis_available:
raise ValueError('In order to display cftime types with '
'matplotlib install the nc_time_axis '
'library using pip or from conda-forge '
'using:\n\tconda install -c conda-forge '
if isinstance(value, cftime_types):
value = CalendarDateTime(value.datetime, value.calendar)
elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
value = np.array([CalendarDateTime(v.datetime, v.calendar) for v in value])
return super().convert(value, unit, axis)
[docs]class EqHistNormalize(Normalize):
def __init__(self, vmin=None, vmax=None, clip=False, rescale_discrete_levels=True, nbins=256**2, ncolors=256):
super().__init__(vmin, vmax, clip)
self._nbins = nbins
self._bin_edges = None
self._ncolors = ncolors
self._color_bins = np.linspace(0, 1, ncolors+1)
self._rescale = rescale_discrete_levels
def binning(self, data, n=256):
low = data.min() if self.vmin is None else self.vmin
high = data.max() if self.vmax is None else self.vmax
nbins = self._nbins
eq_bin_edges = np.linspace(low, high, nbins+1)
full_hist, _ = np.histogram(data, eq_bin_edges)
# Remove zeros, leaving extra element at beginning for rescale_discrete_levels
nonzero = np.nonzero(full_hist)[0]
nhist = len(nonzero)
if nhist > 1:
hist = np.zeros(nhist+1)
hist[1:] = full_hist[nonzero]
eq_bin_centers = np.concatenate([[0.], (eq_bin_edges[nonzero] + eq_bin_edges[nonzero+1]) / 2.])
eq_bin_centers[0] = 2*eq_bin_centers[1] - eq_bin_centers[-1]
hist = full_hist
eq_bin_centers = np.convolve(eq_bin_edges, [0.5, 0.5], mode='valid')
# CDF scaled from 0 to 1 except for first value
cdf = np.cumsum(hist)
lo = cdf[1]
diff = cdf[-1] - lo
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
cdf = (cdf - lo) / diff
cdf[0] = -1.0
lower_span = 0
if self._rescale:
discrete_levels = nhist
m = -0.5/98.0
c = 1.5 - 2*m
multiple = m*discrete_levels + c
if (multiple > 1):
lower_span = 1 - multiple
cdf_bins = np.linspace(lower_span, 1, n+1)
binning = np.interp(cdf_bins, cdf, eq_bin_centers)
if not self._rescale:
binning[0] = low
binning[-1] = high
return binning
def __call__(self, data, clip=None):
return self.process_value(data)[0]
[docs] def process_value(self, data):
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
self._bin_edges = self.binning(data, self._ncolors)
isscalar = np.isscalar(data)
data = np.array([data]) if isscalar else data
interped = np.interp(data, self._bin_edges, self._color_bins)
return, isscalar
def inverse(self, value):
if self._bin_edges is None:
raise ValueError("Not invertible until eq_hist has been computed")
return np.interp([value], self._color_bins, self._bin_edges)[0]
for cft in cftime_types:
munits.registry[cft] = CFTimeConverter()