import numpy as np
import param
from ...core.ndmapping import sorted_context
from ..mixins import MultiDistributionMixin
from .chart import AreaPlot, ChartPlot
from .path import PolygonPlot
from .plot import AdjoinedPlot
[docs]class DistributionPlot(AreaPlot):
DistributionPlot visualizes a distribution of values as a KDE.
bandwidth = param.Number(default=None, doc="""
The bandwidth of the kernel for the density estimate.""")
cut = param.Number(default=3, doc="""
Draw the estimate to cut * bw from the extreme data points.""")
filled = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether the bivariate contours should be filled.""")
[docs]class BivariatePlot(PolygonPlot):
Bivariate plot visualizes two-dimensional kernel density
estimates. Additionally, by enabling the joint option, the
marginals distributions can be plotted alongside each axis (does
not animate or compose).
bandwidth = param.Number(default=None, doc="""
The bandwidth of the kernel for the density estimate.""")
cut = param.Number(default=3, doc="""
Draw the estimate to cut * bw from the extreme data points.""")
filled = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether the bivariate contours should be filled.""")
levels = param.ClassSelector(default=10, class_=(list, int), doc="""
A list of scalar values used to specify the contour levels.""")
[docs]class BoxPlot(MultiDistributionMixin, ChartPlot):
BoxPlot plots the ErrorBar Element type and supporting
both horizontal and vertical error bars via the 'horizontal'
plot option.
style_opts = ['notch', 'sym', 'whis', 'bootstrap',
'conf_intervals', 'widths', 'showmeans',
'show_caps', 'showfliers', 'boxprops',
'whiskerprops', 'capprops', 'flierprops',
'medianprops', 'meanprops', 'meanline']
_nonvectorized_styles = style_opts
_plot_methods = dict(single='boxplot')
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
if element.kdims:
with sorted_context(False):
groups = element.groupby(element.kdims).data.items()
groups = [(element.label, element)]
data, labels = [], []
for key, group in groups:
if element.kdims:
label = ','.join([d.pprint_value(v) for d, v in zip(element.kdims, key)])
label = key
d = group[group.vdims[0]]
style['labels'] = labels
style = {k: v for k, v in style.items()
if k not in ['zorder', 'label']}
style['vert'] = not self.invert_axes
format_kdims = [kd.clone(value_format=None) for kd in element.kdims]
return (data,), style, {'dimensions': [format_kdims, element.vdims[0]]}
[docs] def init_artists(self, ax, plot_args, plot_kwargs):
artists = ax.boxplot(*plot_args, **plot_kwargs)
artists['artist'] = artists['boxes']
return artists
[docs] def teardown_handles(self):
for g in ('whiskers', 'fliers', 'medians', 'boxes', 'caps', 'means'):
for v in self.handles.get(g, []):
[docs]class SideBoxPlot(AdjoinedPlot, BoxPlot):
bgcolor = param.Parameter(default=(1, 1, 1, 0), doc="""
Make plot background invisible.""")
border_size = param.Number(default=0, doc="""
The size of the border expressed as a fraction of the main plot.""")
xaxis = param.ObjectSelector(default='bare',
objects=['top', 'bottom', 'bare', 'top-bare',
'bottom-bare', None], doc="""
Whether and where to display the xaxis, bare options allow suppressing
all axis labels including ticks and xlabel. Valid options are 'top',
'bottom', 'bare', 'top-bare' and 'bottom-bare'.""")
yaxis = param.ObjectSelector(default='bare',
objects=['left', 'right', 'bare', 'left-bare',
'right-bare', None], doc="""
Whether and where to display the yaxis, bare options allow suppressing
all axis labels including ticks and ylabel. Valid options are 'left',
'right', 'bare' 'left-bare' and 'right-bare'.""")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.adjoined:
self.invert_axes = not self.invert_axes
[docs]class ViolinPlot(BoxPlot):
BoxPlot plots the ErrorBar Element type and supporting
both horizontal and vertical error bars via the 'horizontal'
plot option.
bandwidth = param.Number(default=None, doc="""
Allows supplying explicit bandwidth value rather than relying
on scott or silverman method.""")
inner = param.ObjectSelector(objects=['box', 'medians', None],
default='box', doc="""
Inner visual indicator for distribution values:
* box - A small box plot
* stick - Lines indicating each sample value
* quartiles - Indicates first, second and third quartiles
_plot_methods = dict(single='violinplot')
style_opts = ['showmeans', 'facecolors', 'showextrema', 'bw_method',
'widths', 'stats_color', 'box_color', 'alpha', 'edgecolors']
_nonvectorized_styles = [
s for s in style_opts if s not in ('facecolors', 'edgecolors', 'widths')
[docs] def init_artists(self, ax, plot_args, plot_kwargs):
box_color = plot_kwargs.pop('box_color', 'black')
stats_color = plot_kwargs.pop('stats_color', 'black')
facecolors = plot_kwargs.pop('facecolors', [])
edgecolors = plot_kwargs.pop('edgecolors', 'black')
labels = plot_kwargs.pop('labels')
alpha = plot_kwargs.pop('alpha', 1.)
showmedians = self.inner == 'medians'
bw_method = self.bandwidth or 'scott'
artists = ax.violinplot(*plot_args, bw_method=bw_method,
showmedians=showmedians, **plot_kwargs)
if self.inner == 'box':
box = ax.boxplot(*plot_args, positions=plot_kwargs['positions'],
showfliers=False, showcaps=False, patch_artist=True,
boxprops={'facecolor': box_color},
medianprops={'color': 'white'}, widths=0.1,
for body, color in zip(artists['bodies'], facecolors):
for stat in ['cmedians', 'cmeans', 'cmaxes', 'cmins', 'cbars']:
if stat in artists:
artists['bodies'] = artists['bodies']
return artists
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
if element.kdims:
with sorted_context(False):
groups = element.groupby(element.kdims).data.items()
groups = [(element.label, element)]
data, labels, colors = [], [], []
elstyle = self.lookup_options(element, 'style')
for i, (key, group) in enumerate(groups):
if element.kdims:
label = ','.join([d.pprint_value(v) for d, v in zip(element.kdims, key)])
label = key
d = group[group.vdims[0]]
colors.append(elstyle[i].get('facecolors', 'blue'))
style['positions'] = list(range(len(data)))
style['labels'] = labels
style['facecolors'] = colors
if element.ndims > 0:
element = element.aggregate(function=np.mean)
element = element.clone([(element.aggregate(function=np.mean),)])
new_style = self._apply_transforms(element, ranges, style)
style = {k: v for k, v in new_style.items()
if k not in ['zorder', 'label']}
style['vert'] = not self.invert_axes
format_kdims = [kd.clone(value_format=None) for kd in element.kdims]
ticks = {'yticks' if self.invert_axes else 'xticks': list(enumerate(labels))}
return (data,), style, dict(dimensions=[format_kdims, element.vdims[0]], **ticks)
[docs] def teardown_handles(self):
box_artists = ('cmedians', 'cmeans', 'cmaxes', 'cmins', 'cbars', 'bodies')
violin_artists = ('whiskers', 'fliers', 'medians', 'boxes', 'caps', 'means')
for group in box_artists+violin_artists:
for v in self.handles.get(group, []):