Source code for holoviews.plotting.plotly.raster

import numpy as np
import param

from ...core.options import SkipRendering
from ...core.util import isfinite
from ...element import Image, Raster
from ..mixins import HeatMapMixin
from .element import ColorbarPlot

[docs]class RasterPlot(ColorbarPlot): nodata = param.Integer(default=None, doc=""" Optional missing-data value for integer data. If non-None, data with this value will be replaced with NaN so that it is transparent (by default) when plotted.""") padding = param.ClassSelector(default=0, class_=(int, float, tuple)) style_opts = ['visible', 'cmap', 'alpha'] @classmethod def trace_kwargs(cls, is_geo=False, **kwargs): return {'type': 'heatmap'} def graph_options(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs): opts = super().graph_options(element, ranges, style, **kwargs) copts = self.get_color_opts(element.vdims[0], element, ranges, style) cmin, cmax = copts.pop('cmin'), copts.pop('cmax') if isfinite(cmin): opts['zmin'] = cmin if isfinite(cmax): opts['zmax'] = cmax opts['zauto'] = copts.pop('cauto') return dict(opts, **copts) def get_data(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs): if isinstance(element, Image): l, b, r, t = element.bounds.lbrt() else: l, b, r, t = element.extents array = element.dimension_values(2, flat=False) if type(element) is Raster: array=array.T[::-1,...] ny, nx = array.shape if any(not isfinite(c) for c in (l, b, r, t)) or nx == 0 or ny == 0: l, b, r, t, dx, dy = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 else: dx, dy = float(r-l)/nx, float(t-b)/ny x0, y0 = l+dx/2., b+dy/2. if self.invert_axes: x0, y0, dx, dy = y0, x0, dy, dx array = array.T return [dict(x0=x0, y0=y0, dx=dx, dy=dy, z=array)]
[docs]class HeatMapPlot(HeatMapMixin, RasterPlot): def init_layout(self, key, element, ranges, **kwargs): layout = super().init_layout(key, element, ranges) gridded = element.gridded xdim, ydim = gridded.dimensions()[:2] if self.invert_axes: xaxis, yaxis = ('yaxis', 'xaxis') else: xaxis, yaxis = ('xaxis', 'yaxis') shape = gridded.interface.shape(gridded, gridded=True) xtype = gridded.interface.dtype(gridded, xdim) if xtype.kind in 'SUO': layout[xaxis]['tickvals'] = np.arange(shape[1]) layout[xaxis]['ticktext'] = gridded.dimension_values(0, expanded=False) ytype = gridded.interface.dtype(gridded, ydim) if ytype.kind in 'SUO': layout[yaxis]['tickvals'] = np.arange(shape[0]) layout[yaxis]['ticktext'] = gridded.dimension_values(1, expanded=False) return layout def get_data(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs): if not element._unique: self.param.warning('HeatMap element index is not unique, ensure you ' 'aggregate the data before displaying it, e.g. ' 'using heatmap.aggregate(function=np.mean). ' 'Duplicate index values have been dropped.') gridded = element.gridded xdim, ydim = gridded.dimensions()[:2] data = gridded.dimension_values(2, flat=False) xtype = gridded.interface.dtype(gridded, xdim) if xtype.kind in 'SUO': xvals = np.arange(data.shape[1]+1)-0.5 else: xvals = gridded.interface.coords(gridded, xdim, edges=True, ordered=True) ytype = gridded.interface.dtype(gridded, ydim) if ytype.kind in 'SUO': yvals = np.arange(data.shape[0]+1)-0.5 else: yvals = gridded.interface.coords(gridded, ydim, edges=True, ordered=True) if self.invert_axes: xvals, yvals = yvals, xvals data = data.T return [dict(x=xvals, y=yvals, z=data)]
[docs]class QuadMeshPlot(RasterPlot): nodata = param.Integer(default=None, doc=""" Optional missing-data value for integer data. If non-None, data with this value will be replaced with NaN so that it is transparent (by default) when plotted.""") def get_data(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs): x, y, z = element.dimensions()[:3] irregular = element.interface.irregular(element, x) if irregular: raise SkipRendering("Plotly QuadMeshPlot only supports rectilinear meshes") xc, yc = (element.interface.coords(element, x, edges=True, ordered=True), element.interface.coords(element, y, edges=True, ordered=True)) zdata = element.dimension_values(z, flat=False) x, y = ('x', 'y') if self.invert_axes: y, x = 'x', 'y' zdata = zdata.T return [{x: xc, y: yc, 'z': zdata}]