import numpy as np
import param
from ...element import Tiles
from ...operation import interpolate_curve
from ..mixins import AreaMixin, BarsMixin
from .element import ColorbarPlot, ElementPlot
from .selection import PlotlyOverlaySelectionDisplay
[docs]class ChartPlot(ElementPlot):
def trace_kwargs(cls, is_geo=False, **kwargs):
return {'type': 'scatter'}
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style, is_geo=False, **kwargs):
if is_geo:
if self.invert_axes:
x = element.dimension_values(1)
y = element.dimension_values(0)
x = element.dimension_values(0)
y = element.dimension_values(1)
lon, lat = Tiles.easting_northing_to_lon_lat(x, y)
return [{"lon": lon, "lat": lat}]
x, y = ('y', 'x') if self.invert_axes else ('x', 'y')
return [{x: element.dimension_values(0),
y: element.dimension_values(1)}]
[docs]class ScatterPlot(ChartPlot, ColorbarPlot):
color_index = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(str, int),
allow_None=True, doc="""
Index of the dimension from which the color will the drawn""")
style_opts = [
_nonvectorized_styles = ['visible', 'cmap', 'alpha', 'sizemin', 'selectedpoints']
_style_key = 'marker'
selection_display = PlotlyOverlaySelectionDisplay()
_supports_geo = True
def trace_kwargs(cls, is_geo=False, **kwargs):
if is_geo:
return {'type': 'scattermapbox', 'mode': 'markers'}
return {'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'markers'}
def graph_options(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs):
opts = super().graph_options(element, ranges, style, **kwargs)
cdim = element.get_dimension(self.color_index)
if cdim:
copts = self.get_color_opts(cdim, element, ranges, style)
copts['color'] = element.dimension_values(cdim)
# If cmap was present and applicable, it was processed by get_color_opts above.
# Remove it now to avoid plotly validation error
opts.get('marker', {}).pop('cmap', None)
return opts
[docs]class CurvePlot(ChartPlot, ColorbarPlot):
interpolation = param.ObjectSelector(objects=['linear', 'steps-mid',
'steps-pre', 'steps-post'],
default='linear', doc="""
Defines how the samples of the Curve are interpolated,
default is 'linear', other options include 'steps-mid',
'steps-pre' and 'steps-post'.""")
padding = param.ClassSelector(default=(0, 0.1), class_=(int, float, tuple))
style_opts = ['visible', 'color', 'dash', 'line_width']
_nonvectorized_styles = style_opts
unsupported_geo_style_opts = ["dash"]
_style_key = 'line'
_supports_geo = True
def trace_kwargs(cls, is_geo=False, **kwargs):
if is_geo:
return {'type': 'scattermapbox', 'mode': 'lines'}
return {'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines'}
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs):
if 'steps' in self.interpolation:
element = interpolate_curve(element, interpolation=self.interpolation)
return super().get_data(element, ranges, style, **kwargs)
[docs]class AreaPlot(AreaMixin, ChartPlot):
padding = param.ClassSelector(default=(0, 0.1), class_=(int, float, tuple))
style_opts = ['visible', 'color', 'dash', 'line_width']
_style_key = 'line'
def trace_kwargs(cls, is_geo=False, **kwargs):
return {'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines'}
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs):
x, y = ('y', 'x') if self.invert_axes else ('x', 'y')
if len(element.vdims) == 1:
kwargs = super().get_data(element, ranges, style, **kwargs)[0]
kwargs['fill'] = 'tozero'+y
return [kwargs]
xs = element.dimension_values(0)
ys = element.dimension_values(1)
bottom = element.dimension_values(2)
return [{x: xs, y: bottom, 'fill': None},
{x: xs, y: ys, 'fill': 'tonext'+y}]
[docs]class SpreadPlot(ChartPlot):
padding = param.ClassSelector(default=(0, 0.1), class_=(int, float, tuple))
style_opts = ['visible', 'color', 'dash', 'line_width']
_style_key = 'line'
def trace_kwargs(cls, is_geo=False, **kwargs):
return {'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines'}
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs):
x, y = ('y', 'x') if self.invert_axes else ('x', 'y')
xs = element.dimension_values(0)
mean = element.dimension_values(1)
neg_error = element.dimension_values(2)
pos_idx = 3 if len(element.dimensions()) > 3 else 2
pos_error = element.dimension_values(pos_idx)
lower = mean - neg_error
upper = mean + pos_error
return [{x: xs, y: lower, 'fill': None},
{x: xs, y: upper, 'fill': 'tonext'+y}]
[docs]class ErrorBarsPlot(ChartPlot, ColorbarPlot):
style_opts = ['visible', 'color', 'dash', 'line_width', 'thickness']
_nonvectorized_styles = style_opts
_style_key = 'error_y'
selection_display = PlotlyOverlaySelectionDisplay()
def trace_kwargs(cls, is_geo=False, **kwargs):
return {'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines', 'line': {'width': 0}}
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs):
x, y = ('y', 'x') if self.invert_axes else ('x', 'y')
error_k = 'error_' + x if element.horizontal else 'error_' + y
neg_error = element.dimension_values(2)
pos_idx = 3 if len(element.dimensions()) > 3 else 2
pos_error = element.dimension_values(pos_idx)
error_v = dict(type='data', array=pos_error, arrayminus=neg_error)
return [{x: element.dimension_values(0),
y: element.dimension_values(1),
error_k: error_v}]
[docs]class BarPlot(BarsMixin, ElementPlot):
multi_level = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether the Bars should be grouped into a second categorical axis level.""")
stacked = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether the bars should be stacked or grouped.""")
show_legend = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to show legend for the plot.""")
style_opts = ['visible']
selection_display = PlotlyOverlaySelectionDisplay()
def trace_kwargs(cls, is_geo=False, **kwargs):
return {'type': 'bar'}
def _get_axis_dims(self, element):
if element.ndims > 1 and not self.stacked:
xdims = element.kdims
xdims = element.kdims[0]
return (xdims, element.vdims[0])
[docs] def get_extents(self, element, ranges, range_type='combined', **kwargs):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = BarsMixin.get_extents(self, element, ranges, range_type)
if range_type not in ('data', 'combined'):
return x0, y0, x1, y1
return (None, y0, None, y1)
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs):
# Get x, y, group, stack and color dimensions
xdim = element.kdims[0]
vdim = element.vdims[0]
group_dim, stack_dim = None, None
if element.ndims == 1:
elif self.stacked:
stack_dim = element.get_dimension(1)
if stack_dim.values:
svals = stack_dim.values
elif stack_dim in ranges and ranges[].get('factors'):
svals = ranges[stack_dim]['factors']
svals = element.dimension_values(1, False)
group_dim = element.get_dimension(1)
if self.invert_axes:
x, y = ('y', 'x')
orientation = 'h'
x, y = ('x', 'y')
orientation = 'v'
xvals, gvals = self._get_coords(element, ranges, as_string=False)
bars = []
if element.ndims == 1:
values = []
for v in xvals:
sel = element[[v]]
values.append(sel.iloc[0, 1] if len(sel) else 0)
'orientation': orientation, 'showlegend': False,
x: [xdim.pprint_value(v) for v in xvals],
y: np.nan_to_num(values)})
elif stack_dim or not self.multi_level:
group_dim = stack_dim or group_dim
order = list(svals if stack_dim else gvals)
els = element.groupby(group_dim)
sorted_groups = sorted(els.items(), key=lambda x: order.index(x[0])
if x[0] in order else -1)
for k, el in sorted_groups[::-1]:
values = []
for v in xvals:
sel = el[[v]]
values.append(sel.iloc[0, 1] if len(sel) else 0)
'orientation': orientation, 'name': group_dim.pprint_value(k),
x: [xdim.pprint_value(v) for v in xvals],
y: np.nan_to_num(values)})
values = element.dimension_values(vdim)
'orientation': orientation,
x: [[d.pprint_value(v) for v in element.dimension_values(d)]
for d in (xdim, group_dim)],
y: np.nan_to_num(values)})
return bars
def init_layout(self, key, element, ranges, **kwargs):
layout = super().init_layout(key, element, ranges)
stack_dim = None
if element.ndims > 1 and self.stacked:
stack_dim = element.get_dimension(1)
layout['barmode'] = 'stack' if stack_dim else 'group'
return layout
[docs]class HistogramPlot(ElementPlot):
style_opts = [
'visible', 'color', 'line_color', 'line_width', 'opacity', 'selectedpoints'
_style_key = 'marker'
selection_display = PlotlyOverlaySelectionDisplay()
def trace_kwargs(cls, is_geo=False, **kwargs):
return {'type': 'bar'}
def get_data(self, element, ranges, style, **kwargs):
xdim = element.kdims[0]
ydim = element.vdims[0]
values = np.asarray(element.interface.coords(element, ydim))
edges = np.asarray(element.interface.coords(element, xdim))
if len(edges) < 2:
binwidth = 0
binwidth = edges[1] - edges[0]
if self.invert_axes:
ys = edges
xs = values
orientation = 'h'
xs = edges
ys = values
orientation = 'v'
return [{'x': xs, 'y': ys, 'width': binwidth, 'orientation': orientation}]
def init_layout(self, key, element, ranges, **kwargs):
layout = super().init_layout(key, element, ranges)
layout['barmode'] = 'overlay'
return layout