Public API for all plots supported by HoloViews, regardless of
plotting package or backend. Every plotting classes must be a subclass
of this Plot baseclass.
import uuid
import warnings
from ast import literal_eval
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import partial
from itertools import groupby, product
import numpy as np
import param
from panel.config import config
from panel.io.document import unlocked
from panel.io.notebook import push
from panel.io.state import state
from pyviz_comms import JupyterComm
from ..core import traversal, util
from ..core.data import Dataset, disable_pipeline
from ..core.element import Element, Element3D
from ..core.layout import Empty, Layout, NdLayout
from ..core.options import Compositor, SkipRendering, Store, lookup_options
from ..core.overlay import CompositeOverlay, NdOverlay, Overlay
from ..core.spaces import DynamicMap, HoloMap
from ..core.util import isfinite, stream_parameters
from ..element import Graph, Table
from ..selection import NoOpSelectionDisplay
from ..streams import RangeX, RangeXY, RangeY, Stream
from ..util.transform import dim
from .util import (
[docs]class Plot(param.Parameterized):
Base class of all Plot classes in HoloViews, designed to be
general enough to use any plotting package or backend.
backend = None
# A list of style options that may be supplied to the plotting
# call
style_opts = []
# Sometimes matplotlib doesn't support the common aliases.
# Use this list to disable any invalid style options
_disabled_opts = []
def __init__(self, renderer=None, root=None, **params):
params = {k: v for k, v in params.items()
if k in self.param}
self.renderer = renderer if renderer else Store.renderers[self.backend].instance()
self._force = False
self._comm = None
self._document = None
self._root = None
self._pane = None
self._triggering = []
self._trigger = []
def state(self):
The plotting state that gets updated via the update method and
used by the renderer to generate output.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_root(self, root):
Sets the root model on all subplots.
if root is None:
for plot in self.traverse(lambda x: x):
plot._root = root
def root(self):
if self._root:
return self._root
elif 'plot' in self.handles and self.top_level:
return self.state
return None
def document(self):
return self._document
def document(self, doc):
if (doc and hasattr(doc, 'on_session_destroyed') and
self.root is self.handles.get('plot') and
not isinstance(self, GenericAdjointLayoutPlot)):
if self._document:
if isinstance(self._document.callbacks._session_destroyed_callbacks, set):
self._document.callbacks._session_destroyed_callbacks.pop(self._session_destroy, None)
self._document = doc
if self.subplots:
for plot in self.subplots.values():
if plot is not None:
plot.document = doc
def pane(self):
return self._pane
def pane(self, pane):
if (config.console_output != 'disable' and self.root and
self.root.ref['id'] not in state._handles and
isinstance(self.comm, JupyterComm)):
from IPython.display import display
handle = display(display_id=uuid.uuid4().hex)
state._handles[self.root.ref['id']] = (handle, [])
self._pane = pane
if self.subplots:
for plot in self.subplots.values():
if plot is not None:
plot.pane = pane
if plot is None or not plot.root:
for cb in getattr(plot, 'callbacks', []):
if hasattr(pane, '_on_error') and getattr(cb, 'comm', None):
cb.comm._on_error = partial(pane._on_error, plot.root.ref['id'])
elif self.root:
for cb in getattr(self, 'callbacks', []):
if hasattr(pane, '_on_error') and getattr(cb, 'comm', None):
cb.comm._on_error = partial(pane._on_error, self.root.ref['id'])
def comm(self):
return self._comm
def comm(self, comm):
self._comm = comm
if self.subplots:
for plot in self.subplots.values():
if plot is not None:
plot.comm = comm
[docs] def initialize_plot(self, ranges=None):
Initialize the matplotlib figure.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, key):
Update the internal state of the Plot to represent the given
key tuple (where integers represent frames). Returns this
return self.state
[docs] def cleanup(self):
Cleans up references to the plot on the attached Stream
plots = self.traverse(lambda x: x, [Plot])
for plot in plots:
if not isinstance(plot, (GenericCompositePlot, GenericElementPlot, GenericOverlayPlot)):
for stream in set(plot.streams):
stream._subscribers = [
(p, subscriber) for p, subscriber in stream._subscribers
if not util.is_param_method(subscriber) or
util.get_method_owner(subscriber) not in plots
def _session_destroy(self, session_context):
[docs] def refresh(self, **kwargs):
Refreshes the plot by rerendering it and then pushing
the updated data if the plot has an associated Comm.
if self.renderer.mode == 'server' and not state._unblocked(self.document):
# If we do not have the Document lock, schedule refresh as callback
self._triggering += [(s, dict(s._metadata)) for p in self.traverse(lambda x: x, [Plot])
for s in getattr(p, 'streams', []) if s._triggering]
if self.document and self.document.session_context:
# Ensure that server based tick callbacks maintain stream triggering state
for s, metadata in self._triggering:
s._triggering = True
traverse_setter(self, '_force', True)
key = self.current_key if self.current_key else self.keys[0]
dim_streams = [stream for stream in self.streams
if any(c in self.dimensions for c in stream.contents)]
stream_params = stream_parameters(dim_streams)
key = tuple(None if d in stream_params else k
for d, k in zip(self.dimensions, key))
stream_key = util.wrap_tuple_streams(key, self.dimensions, self.streams)
if self.top_level:
except Exception as e:
raise e
# Reset triggering state
for s, _ in self._triggering:
s._triggering = False
self._triggering = []
def _trigger_refresh(self, key):
"Triggers update to a plot on a refresh event"
# Update if not top-level, batched or an ElementPlot
if not self.top_level or isinstance(self, GenericElementPlot):
with unlocked():
[docs] def push(self):
Pushes plot updates to the frontend.
root = self._root
if (root and self.pane is not None and
root.ref['id'] in self.pane._plots):
child_pane = self.pane._plots[root.ref['id']][1]
child_pane = None
if self.renderer.backend != 'bokeh' and child_pane is not None:
child_pane.object = self.renderer.get_plot_state(self)
elif (self.renderer.mode != 'server' and root and
'embedded' not in root.tags and self.document and self.comm):
push(self.document, self.comm)
def id(self):
return self.comm.id if self.comm else id(self.state)
def __len__(self):
Returns the total number of available frames.
raise NotImplementedError
def lookup_options(cls, obj, group):
return lookup_options(obj, group, cls.backend)
[docs]class PlotSelector:
Proxy that allows dynamic selection of a plotting class based on a
function of the plotted object. Behaves like a Plot class and
presents the same parameterized interface.
_disabled_opts = []
def __init__(self, selector, plot_classes, allow_mismatch=False):
The selector function accepts a component instance and returns
the appropriate key to index plot_classes dictionary.
self.selector = selector
self.plot_classes = dict(plot_classes)
interface = self._define_interface(self.plot_classes.values(), allow_mismatch)
self.style_opts, self.plot_options = interface
def selection_display(self, obj):
plt_class = self.get_plot_class(obj)
return getattr(plt_class, 'selection_display', None)
def _define_interface(self, plots, allow_mismatch):
parameters = [{k:v.precedence for k,v in plot.param.objects().items()
if ((v.precedence is None) or (v.precedence >= 0))}
for plot in plots]
param_sets = [set(params.keys()) for params in parameters]
if not allow_mismatch and not all(pset == param_sets[0] for pset in param_sets):
# Find the mismatching sets
mismatching_sets = [pset for pset in param_sets if pset != param_sets[0]]
# Print the mismatching sets
for mismatch_set in mismatching_sets:
print("Mismatching plot options:", mismatch_set)
raise Exception("All selectable plot classes must have identical plot options.")
styles= [plot.style_opts for plot in plots]
if not allow_mismatch and not all(style == styles[0] for style in styles):
raise Exception("All selectable plot classes must have identical style options.")
plot_params = {p: v for params in parameters for p, v in params.items()}
return [s for style in styles for s in style], plot_params
def __call__(self, obj, **kwargs):
plot_class = self.get_plot_class(obj)
return plot_class(obj, **kwargs)
def get_plot_class(self, obj):
key = self.selector(obj)
if key not in self.plot_classes:
msg = "Key %s returned by selector not in set: %s"
raise Exception(msg % (key, ', '.join(self.plot_classes.keys())))
return self.plot_classes[key]
def __setattr__(self, label, value):
return super().__setattr__(label, value)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Please set class parameters directly on classes %s"
% ', '.join(str(cls) for cls in self.__dict__['plot_classes'].values())) from e
def params(self):
return self.plot_options
def param(self):
return self.plot_options
[docs]class DimensionedPlot(Plot):
DimensionedPlot implements a number of useful methods
to compute dimension ranges and titles containing the
dimension values.
fontsize = param.Parameter(default=None, allow_None=True, doc="""
Specifies various font sizes of the displayed text.
Finer control is available by supplying a dictionary where any
unmentioned keys revert to the default sizes, e.g:
{'ticks':20, 'title':15,
'ylabel':5, 'xlabel':5, 'zlabel':5,
'legend':8, 'legend_title':13}
You can set the font size of 'zlabel', 'ylabel' and 'xlabel'
together using the 'labels' key.""")
fontscale = param.Number(default=None, doc="""
Scales the size of all fonts.""")
#Allowed fontsize keys
_fontsize_keys = ['xlabel','ylabel', 'zlabel', 'clabel', 'labels',
'xticks', 'yticks', 'zticks', 'cticks', 'ticks',
'minor_xticks', 'minor_yticks', 'minor_ticks',
'title', 'legend', 'legend_title',
show_title = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to display the plot title.""")
title = param.String(default="{label} {group}\n{dimensions}", doc="""
The formatting string for the title of this plot, allows defining
a label group separator and dimension labels.""")
normalize = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to compute ranges across all Elements at this level
of plotting. Allows selecting normalization at different levels
for nested data containers.""")
projection = param.Parameter(default=None, doc="""
Allows supplying a custom projection to transform the axis
coordinates during display. Example projections include '3d'
and 'polar' projections supported by some backends. Depending
on the backend custom, projection objects may be supplied.""")
def __init__(self, keys=None, dimensions=None, layout_dimensions=None,
uniform=True, subplot=False, adjoined=None, layout_num=0,
style=None, subplots=None, dynamic=False, **params):
self.subplots = subplots
self.adjoined = adjoined
self.dimensions = dimensions
self.layout_num = layout_num
self.layout_dimensions = layout_dimensions
self.subplot = subplot
self.keys = keys if keys is None else list(keys)
self.uniform = uniform
self.dynamic = dynamic
self.drawn = False
self.handles = {}
self.group = None
self.label = None
self.current_frame = None
self.current_key = None
self.ranges = {}
self._updated = False # Whether the plot should be marked as updated
def __getitem__(self, frame):
Get the state of the Plot for a given frame number.
if isinstance(frame, int) and frame > len(self):
self.param.warning(f"Showing last frame available: {len(self)}")
if not self.drawn: self.handles['fig'] = self.initialize_plot()
if not isinstance(frame, tuple):
frame = self.keys[frame]
return self.state
def _get_frame(self, key):
Required on each MPLPlot type to get the data corresponding
just to the current frame out from the object.
[docs] def matches(self, spec):
Matches a specification against the current Plot.
if callable(spec) and not isinstance(spec, type): return spec(self)
elif isinstance(spec, type): return isinstance(self, spec)
raise ValueError("Matching specs have to be either a type or a callable.")
[docs] def traverse(self, fn=None, specs=None, full_breadth=True):
Traverses any nested DimensionedPlot returning a list
of all plots that match the specs. The specs should
be supplied as a list of either Plot types or callables,
which should return a boolean given the plot class.
accumulator = []
matches = specs is None
if not matches:
for spec in specs:
matches = self.matches(spec)
if matches: break
if matches:
accumulator.append(fn(self) if fn else self)
# Assumes composite objects are iterables
if hasattr(self, 'subplots') and self.subplots:
for el in self.subplots.values():
if el is None:
accumulator += el.traverse(fn, specs, full_breadth)
if not full_breadth: break
return accumulator
def _frame_title(self, key, group_size=2, separator='\n'):
Returns the formatted dimension group strings
for a particular frame.
if self.layout_dimensions is not None:
dimensions, key = zip(*self.layout_dimensions.items())
elif not self.dynamic and (not self.uniform or len(self) == 1) or self.subplot:
return ''
key = key if isinstance(key, tuple) else (key,)
dimensions = self.dimensions
dimension_labels = [dim.pprint_value_string(k) for dim, k in
zip(dimensions, key)]
groups = [', '.join(dimension_labels[i*group_size:(i+1)*group_size])
for i in range(len(dimension_labels))]
return util.bytes_to_unicode(separator.join(g for g in groups if g))
def _format_title(self, key, dimensions=True, separator='\n'):
label, group, type_name, dim_title = self._format_title_components(
key, dimensions=True, separator='\n'
title = util.bytes_to_unicode(self.title).format(
return title.strip(' \n')
def _format_title_components(self, key, dimensions=True, separator='\n'):
Determine components of title as used by _format_title method.
To be overridden in child classes.
Return signature: (label, group, type_name, dim_title)
return (self.label, self.group, type(self).__name__, '')
def _get_fontsize_defaults(self):
Should returns default fontsize for the following keywords:
* ticks
* minor_ticks
* label
* title
* legend
* legend_title
However may also provide more specific defaults for
specific axis label or ticks, e.g. clabel or xticks.
return {}
def _fontsize(self, key, label='fontsize', common=True):
if not self.fontsize and not self.fontscale:
return {}
elif not isinstance(self.fontsize, dict) and self.fontsize is not None and common:
return {label: scale_fontsize(self.fontsize, self.fontscale)}
fontsize = self.fontsize if isinstance(self.fontsize, dict) else {}
unknown_keys = set(fontsize.keys()) - set(self._fontsize_keys)
if unknown_keys:
msg = "Popping unknown keys %r from fontsize dictionary.\nValid keys: %r"
self.param.warning(msg % (list(unknown_keys), self._fontsize_keys))
for key in unknown_keys: fontsize.pop(key, None)
defaults = self._get_fontsize_defaults()
size = None
if key in fontsize:
size = fontsize[key]
elif key in ['zlabel', 'ylabel', 'xlabel', 'clabel']:
size = fontsize.get('labels', defaults.get(key, defaults.get('label')))
elif key in ['xticks', 'yticks', 'zticks', 'cticks']:
size = fontsize.get('ticks', defaults.get(key, defaults.get('ticks')))
elif key in ['minor_xticks', 'minor_yticks']:
size = fontsize.get('minor_ticks', defaults.get(key, defaults.get('minor_ticks')))
elif key in ('legend', 'legend_title', 'title'):
size = defaults.get(key)
if size is None:
return {}
return {label: scale_fontsize(size, self.fontscale)}
[docs] def compute_ranges(self, obj, key, ranges):
Given an object, a specific key, and the normalization options,
this method will find the specified normalization options on
the appropriate OptionTree, group the elements according to
the selected normalization option (i.e. either per frame or
over the whole animation) and finally compute the dimension
ranges in each group. The new set of ranges is returned.
prev_frame = getattr(self, 'prev_frame', None)
all_table = all(isinstance(el, Table) for el in obj.traverse(lambda x: x, [Element]))
if obj is None or not self.normalize or all_table:
return {}
# Get inherited ranges
ranges = self.ranges if ranges is None else {k: dict(v) for k, v in ranges.items()}
# Get element identifiers from current object and resolve
# with selected normalization options
norm_opts = self._get_norm_opts(obj)
# Traverse displayed object if normalization applies
# at this level, and ranges for the group have not
# been supplied from a composite plot
return_fn = lambda x: x if isinstance(x, Element) else None
for group, (axiswise, framewise, robust) in norm_opts.items():
axiswise = (not getattr(self, 'shared_axes', True)) or (axiswise)
elements = []
# Skip if ranges are cached or already computed by a
# higher-level container object.
framewise = framewise or self.dynamic or len(elements) == 1
if not framewise: # Traverse to get all elements
elements = obj.traverse(return_fn, [group])
elif key is not None: # Traverse to get elements for each frame
frame = self._get_frame(key)
elements = [] if frame is None else frame.traverse(return_fn, [group])
# Only compute ranges if not axiswise on a composite plot
# or not framewise on a Overlay or ElementPlot
if (not (axiswise and not isinstance(obj, HoloMap)) or
(not framewise and isinstance(obj, HoloMap))):
self._compute_group_range(group, elements, ranges, framewise,
axiswise, robust, self.top_level,
return ranges
def _get_norm_opts(self, obj):
Gets the normalization options for a LabelledData object by
traversing the object to find elements and their ids.
The id is then used to select the appropriate OptionsTree,
accumulating the normalization options into a dictionary.
Returns a dictionary of normalization options for each
element in the tree.
norm_opts = {}
# Get all elements' type.group.label specs and ids
type_val_fn = lambda x: (x.id, (type(x).__name__, util.group_sanitizer(x.group, escape=False),
util.label_sanitizer(x.label, escape=False))) \
if isinstance(x, Element) else None
element_specs = {(idspec[0], idspec[1]) for idspec in obj.traverse(type_val_fn)
if idspec is not None}
# Group elements specs by ID and override normalization
# options sequentially
key_fn = lambda x: -1 if x[0] is None else x[0]
id_groups = groupby(sorted(element_specs, key=key_fn), key_fn)
for gid, element_spec_group in id_groups:
gid = None if gid == -1 else gid
group_specs = [el for _, el in element_spec_group]
backend = self.renderer.backend
optstree = Store.custom_options(
backend=backend).get(gid, Store.options(backend=backend))
# Get the normalization options for the current id
# and match against customizable elements
for opts in optstree:
path = tuple(opts.path.split('.')[1:])
applies = any(path == spec[:i] for spec in group_specs
for i in range(1, 4))
if applies and 'norm' in opts.groups:
nopts = opts['norm'].options
popts = opts['plot'].options
if 'axiswise' in nopts or 'framewise' in nopts or 'clim_percentile' in popts:
norm_opts.update({path: (nopts.get('axiswise', False),
nopts.get('framewise', False),
popts.get('clim_percentile', False))})
element_specs = [spec for _, spec in element_specs]
norm_opts.update({spec: (False, False, False) for spec in element_specs
if not any(spec[:i] in norm_opts.keys() for i in range(1, 4))})
return norm_opts
def _merge_group_ranges(cls, ranges):
hard_range = util.max_range(ranges['hard'], combined=False)
soft_range = util.max_range(ranges['soft'])
robust_range = util.max_range(ranges.get('robust', []))
data_range = util.max_range(ranges['data'])
combined = util.dimension_range(data_range[0], data_range[1],
hard_range, soft_range)
dranges = {'data': data_range, 'hard': hard_range,
'soft': soft_range, 'combined': combined,
'robust': robust_range, 'values': ranges}
if 'factors' in ranges:
all_factors = ranges['factors']
factor_dtypes = {fs.dtype for fs in all_factors} if all_factors else []
dtype = next(iter(factor_dtypes)) if len(factor_dtypes) == 1 else None
expanded = [v for fctrs in all_factors for v in fctrs]
if dtype is not None:
# Try to keep the same dtype
expanded = np.array(expanded, dtype=dtype)
except Exception:
dranges['factors'] = util.unique_array(expanded)
return dranges
def _compute_group_range(cls, group, elements, ranges, framewise,
axiswise, robust, top_level, prev_frame):
# Iterate over all elements in a normalization group
# and accumulate their ranges into the supplied dictionary.
elements = [el for el in elements if el is not None]
data_ranges = {}
robust_ranges = {}
categorical_dims = []
for el in elements:
for el_dim in el.dimensions('ranges'):
if hasattr(el, 'interface'):
if isinstance(el, Graph) and el_dim in el.nodes.dimensions():
dtype = el.nodes.interface.dtype(el.nodes, el_dim)
dtype = el.interface.dtype(el, el_dim)
elif hasattr(el, '__len__') and len(el):
dtype = el.dimension_values(el_dim).dtype
dtype = None
if all(util.isfinite(r) for r in el_dim.range):
data_range = (None, None)
elif dtype is not None and dtype.kind in 'SU':
data_range = ('', '')
elif isinstance(el, Graph) and el_dim in el.kdims[:2]:
data_range = el.nodes.range(2, dimension_range=False)
elif el_dim.values:
ds = Dataset(el_dim.values, el_dim)
data_range = ds.range(el_dim, dimension_range=False)
data_range = el.range(el_dim, dimension_range=False)
data_ranges[(el, el_dim)] = data_range
if dtype is not None and dtype.kind in 'uif' and robust:
percentile = 2 if isinstance(robust, bool) else robust
robust_ranges[(el, el_dim)] = (
dim(el_dim, np.nanpercentile, percentile).apply(el),
dim(el_dim, np.nanpercentile, 100 - percentile).apply(el)
if (any(isinstance(r, str) for r in data_range) or
(el_dim.type is not None and issubclass(el_dim.type, str)) or
(dtype is not None and dtype.kind in 'SU')):
prev_ranges = ranges.get(group, {})
group_ranges = {}
for el in elements:
if isinstance(el, (Empty, Table)): continue
opts = cls.lookup_options(el, 'style')
plot_opts = cls.lookup_options(el, 'plot')
opt_kwargs = dict(opts.kwargs, **plot_opts.kwargs)
if not opt_kwargs.get('apply_ranges', True):
# Compute normalization for color dim transforms
for k, v in opt_kwargs.items():
if not isinstance(v, dim) or ('color' not in k and k != 'magnitude'):
if isinstance(v, dim) and v.applies(el):
dim_name = repr(v)
if dim_name in prev_ranges and not framewise:
values = v.apply(el, all_values=True)
factors = None
if values.dtype.kind == 'M':
drange = values.min(), values.max()
elif util.isscalar(values):
drange = values, values
elif values.dtype.kind in 'US':
factors = util.unique_array(values)
elif len(values) == 0:
drange = np.nan, np.nan
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered')
drange = (np.nanmin(values), np.nanmax(values))
except Exception:
factors = util.unique_array(values)
if dim_name not in group_ranges:
group_ranges[dim_name] = {
'id': [], 'data': [], 'hard': [], 'soft': []
if factors is not None:
if 'factors' not in group_ranges[dim_name]:
group_ranges[dim_name]['factors'] = []
# Compute dimension normalization
for el_dim in el.dimensions('ranges'):
dim_name = el_dim.name
if dim_name in prev_ranges and not framewise:
data_range = data_ranges[(el, el_dim)]
if dim_name not in group_ranges:
group_ranges[dim_name] = {
'id': [], 'data': [], 'hard': [], 'soft': [], 'robust': []
if (el, el_dim) in robust_ranges:
group_ranges[dim_name]['robust'].append(robust_ranges[(el, el_dim)])
if el_dim in categorical_dims:
if 'factors' not in group_ranges[dim_name]:
group_ranges[dim_name]['factors'] = []
if el_dim.values not in ([], None):
values = el_dim.values
elif el_dim in el:
if isinstance(el, Graph) and el_dim in el.kdims[:2]:
# Graph start/end normalization should include all node indices
values = el.nodes.dimension_values(2, expanded=False)
values = el.dimension_values(el_dim, expanded=False)
elif isinstance(el, Graph) and el_dim in el.nodes:
values = el.nodes.dimension_values(el_dim, expanded=False)
if (isinstance(values, np.ndarray) and values.dtype.kind == 'O' and
all(isinstance(v, (np.ndarray)) for v in values)):
values = np.concatenate(values) if len(values) else []
factors = util.unique_array(values)
# Avoid merging ranges with non-matching types
group_dim_ranges = defaultdict(dict)
for gdim, values in group_ranges.items():
matching = True
for t, rs in values.items():
if t in ('factors', 'id'):
matching &= (
len({'date' if isinstance(v, util.datetime_types) else 'number'
for rng in rs for v in rng if util.isfinite(v)}) < 2
if matching:
group_dim_ranges[gdim] = values
# Merge ranges across elements
dim_ranges = []
for gdim, values in group_dim_ranges.items():
dranges = cls._merge_group_ranges(values)
dim_ranges.append((gdim, dranges))
# Merge local ranges into global range dictionary
if prev_ranges and not (top_level or axiswise) and framewise and prev_frame is not None:
# Partially update global ranges with local changes
prev_ids = prev_frame.traverse(lambda o: id(o))
for d, dranges in dim_ranges:
values = prev_ranges.get(d, {}).get('values', None)
if values is None or 'id' not in values:
for g, drange in dranges.items():
if d not in prev_ranges:
prev_ranges[d] = {}
prev_ranges[d][g] = drange
ids = values.get('id')
# Filter out ranges of updated elements and append new ranges
merged = {}
for g, drange in dranges['values'].items():
filtered = [r for i, r in zip(ids, values[g]) if i not in prev_ids]
filtered += drange
merged[g] = filtered
prev_ranges[d] = cls._merge_group_ranges(merged)
elif prev_ranges and not (framewise and (top_level or axiswise)):
# Combine local with global range
for d, dranges in dim_ranges:
for g, drange in dranges.items():
prange = prev_ranges.get(d, {}).get(g, None)
if prange is None:
if d not in prev_ranges:
prev_ranges[d] = {}
prev_ranges[d][g] = drange
elif g in ('factors', 'values'):
prev_ranges[d][g] = drange
prev_ranges[d][g] = util.max_range([prange, drange],
# Override global range
ranges[group] = dict(dim_ranges)
def _traverse_options(cls, obj, opt_type, opts, specs=None, keyfn=None, defaults=True):
Traverses the supplied object getting all options in opts for
the specified opt_type and specs. Also takes into account the
plotting class defaults for plot options. If a keyfn is
supplied the returned options will be grouped by the returned
def lookup(x):
Looks up options for object, including plot defaults.
keyfn determines returned key otherwise None key is used.
options = cls.lookup_options(x, opt_type)
selected = {o: options.options[o]
for o in opts if o in options.options}
if opt_type == 'plot' and defaults:
plot = Store.registry[cls.backend].get(type(x))
selected['defaults'] = {o: getattr(plot, o) for o in opts
if o not in selected and hasattr(plot, o)}
key = keyfn(x) if keyfn else None
return (key, selected)
# Traverse object and accumulate options by key
traversed = obj.traverse(lookup, specs)
options = {}
default_opts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
for key, opts in traversed:
defaults = opts.pop('defaults', {})
if key not in options:
options[key] = {}
for opt, v in opts.items():
if opt not in options[key]:
options[key][opt] = []
for opt, v in defaults.items():
# Merge defaults into dictionary if not explicitly specified
for key, opts in default_opts.items():
for opt, v in opts.items():
if opt not in options[key]:
options[key][opt] = v
return options if keyfn else options[None]
def _get_projection(cls, obj):
Uses traversal to find the appropriate projection
for a nested object. Respects projections set on
Overlays before considering Element based settings,
before finally looking up the default projection on
the plot type. If more than one non-None projection
type is found an exception is raised.
isoverlay = lambda x: isinstance(x, CompositeOverlay)
element3d = obj.traverse(lambda x: x, [Element3D])
if element3d:
return '3d'
opts = cls._traverse_options(obj, 'plot', ['projection'],
[CompositeOverlay, Element],
from_overlay = not all(p is None for p in opts.get(True, {}).get('projection', []))
projections = opts.get(from_overlay, {}).get('projection', [])
custom_projs = [p for p in projections if p is not None]
if len(set(custom_projs)) > 1:
raise ValueError("An axis may only be assigned one projection type")
return custom_projs[0] if custom_projs else None
[docs] def update(self, key):
if len(self) == 1 and key in (0, self.keys[0]) and not self.drawn:
return self.initialize_plot()
item = self.__getitem__(key)
self.traverse(lambda x: setattr(x, '_updated', True))
return item
def __len__(self):
Returns the total number of available frames.
return len(self.keys)
class CallbackPlot:
backend = None
def _construct_callbacks(self):
Initializes any callbacks for streams which have defined
the plotted object as a source.
source_streams = []
cb_classes = set()
registry = list(Stream.registry.items())
callbacks = Stream._callbacks[self.backend]
for source in self.link_sources:
streams = [
s for src, streams in registry for s in streams
if src is source or (src._plot_id is not None and
src._plot_id == source._plot_id)]
cb_classes |= {(callbacks[type(stream)], stream) for stream in streams
if type(stream) in callbacks and stream.linked
and stream.source is not None}
cbs = []
sorted_cbs = sorted(cb_classes, key=lambda x: id(x[0]))
for cb, group in groupby(sorted_cbs, lambda x: x[0]):
cb_streams = [s for _, s in group]
for cb_stream in cb_streams:
if cb_stream not in source_streams:
cbs.append(cb(self, cb_streams, source))
return cbs, source_streams
def link_sources(self):
"Returns potential Link or Stream sources."
if isinstance(self, GenericOverlayPlot):
zorders = []
elif self.batched:
zorders = list(range(self.zorder, self.zorder+len(self.hmap.last)))
zorders = [self.zorder]
if isinstance(self, GenericOverlayPlot) and not self.batched:
sources = [self.hmap.last]
elif not self.static or isinstance(self.hmap, DynamicMap):
sources = [o for i, inputs in self.stream_sources.items()
for o in inputs if i in zorders]
sources = [self.hmap.last]
return sources
[docs]class GenericElementPlot(DimensionedPlot):
Plotting baseclass to render contents of an Element. Implements
methods to get the correct frame given a HoloMap, axis labels and
extents and titles.
apply_ranges = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to compute the plot bounds from the data itself.""")
apply_extents = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to apply extent overrides on the Elements""")
bgcolor = param.ClassSelector(class_=(str, tuple), default=None, doc="""
If set bgcolor overrides the background color of the axis.""")
default_span = param.ClassSelector(default=2.0, class_=(int, float, tuple), doc="""
Defines the span of an axis if the axis range is zero, i.e. if
the lower and upper end of an axis are equal or no range is
defined at all. For example if there is a single datapoint at
0 a default_span of 2.0 will result in axis ranges spanning
from -1 to 1.""")
hooks = param.HookList(default=[], doc="""
Optional list of hooks called when finalizing a plot. The
hook is passed the plot object and the displayed element, and
other plotting handles can be accessed via plot.handles.""")
invert_axes = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to invert the x- and y-axis""")
invert_xaxis = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to invert the plot x-axis.""")
invert_yaxis = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to invert the plot y-axis.""")
logx = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether the x-axis of the plot will be a log axis.""")
logy = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether the y-axis of the plot will be a log axis.""")
padding = param.ClassSelector(default=0.1, class_=(int, float, tuple), doc="""
Fraction by which to increase auto-ranged extents to make
datapoints more visible around borders.
To compute padding, the axis whose screen size is largest is
chosen, and the range of that axis is increased by the
specified fraction along each axis. Other axes are then
padded ensuring that the amount of screen space devoted to
padding is equal for all axes. If specified as a tuple, the
int or float values in the tuple will be used for padding in
each axis, in order (x,y or x,y,z).
For example, for padding=0.2 on a 800x800-pixel plot, an x-axis
with the range [0,10] will be padded by 20% to be [-1,11], while
a y-axis with a range [0,1000] will be padded to be [-100,1100],
which should make the padding be approximately the same number of
pixels. But if the same plot is changed to have a height of only
200, the y-range will then be [-400,1400] so that the y-axis
padding will still match that of the x-axis.
It is also possible to declare non-equal padding value for the
lower and upper bound of an axis by supplying nested tuples,
e.g. padding=(0.1, (0, 0.1)) will pad the x-axis lower and
upper bound as well as the y-axis upper bound by a fraction of
0.1 while the y-axis lower bound is not padded at all.""")
show_legend = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to show legend for the plot.""")
show_grid = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to show a Cartesian grid on the plot.""")
xaxis = param.ObjectSelector(default='bottom',
objects=['top', 'bottom', 'bare', 'top-bare',
'bottom-bare', None, True, False], doc="""
Whether and where to display the xaxis.
The "bare" options allow suppressing all axis labels, including ticks and xlabel.
Valid options are 'top', 'bottom', 'bare', 'top-bare' and 'bottom-bare'.""")
yaxis = param.ObjectSelector(default='left',
objects=['left', 'right', 'bare', 'left-bare',
'right-bare', None, True, False], doc="""
Whether and where to display the yaxis.
The "bare" options allow suppressing all axis labels, including ticks and ylabel.
Valid options are 'left', 'right', 'bare', 'left-bare' and 'right-bare'.""")
xlabel = param.String(default=None, doc="""
An explicit override of the x-axis label, if set takes precedence
over the dimension label.""")
ylabel = param.String(default=None, doc="""
An explicit override of the y-axis label, if set takes precedence
over the dimension label.""")
xlim = param.Tuple(default=(np.nan, np.nan), length=2, doc="""
User-specified x-axis range limits for the plot, as a tuple (low,high).
If specified, takes precedence over data and dimension ranges.""")
ylim = param.Tuple(default=(np.nan, np.nan), length=2, doc="""
User-specified x-axis range limits for the plot, as a tuple (low,high).
If specified, takes precedence over data and dimension ranges.""")
zlim = param.Tuple(default=(np.nan, np.nan), length=2, doc="""
User-specified z-axis range limits for the plot, as a tuple (low,high).
If specified, takes precedence over data and dimension ranges.""")
xrotation = param.Integer(default=None, bounds=(0, 360), doc="""
Rotation angle of the xticks.""")
yrotation = param.Integer(default=None, bounds=(0, 360), doc="""
Rotation angle of the yticks.""")
xticks = param.Parameter(default=None, doc="""
Ticks along x-axis specified as an integer, explicit list of
tick locations, or bokeh Ticker object. If set to None default
bokeh ticking behavior is applied.""")
yticks = param.Parameter(default=None, doc="""
Ticks along y-axis specified as an integer, explicit list of
tick locations, or bokeh Ticker object. If set to None
default bokeh ticking behavior is applied.""")
# A dictionary mapping of the plot methods used to draw the
# glyphs corresponding to the ElementPlot, can support two
# keyword arguments a 'single' implementation to draw an individual
# plot and a 'batched' method to draw multiple Elements at once
_plot_methods = {}
# Declares the options that are propagated from sub-elements of the
# plot, mostly useful for inheriting options from individual
# Elements on an OverlayPlot. Enabled by default in v1.7.
_propagate_options = []
v17_option_propagation = True
_deprecations = {
'color_index': (
"The `color_index` parameter is deprecated in favor of color "
"style mapping, e.g. `color=dim('color')` or `line_color=dim('color')`"
'size_index': (
"The `size_index` parameter is deprecated in favor of size "
"style mapping, e.g. `size=dim('size')**2`."
'scaling_method': (
"The `scaling_method` parameter is deprecated in favor of size "
"style mapping, e.g. `size=dim('size')**2` for area scaling."
'scaling_factor': (
"The `scaling_factor` parameter is deprecated in favor of size "
"style mapping, e.g. `size=dim('size')*10`."
'size_fn': (
"The `size_fn` parameter is deprecated in favor of size "
"style mapping, e.g. `size=abs(dim('size'))`."
_selection_display = NoOpSelectionDisplay()
_multi_y_propagation = False
def __init__(self, element, keys=None, ranges=None, dimensions=None,
batched=False, overlaid=0, cyclic_index=0, zorder=0, style=None,
overlay_dims=None, stream_sources=None, streams=None, **params):
if stream_sources is None:
stream_sources = {}
if overlay_dims is None:
overlay_dims = {}
self.zorder = zorder
self.cyclic_index = cyclic_index
self.overlaid = overlaid
self.overlay_dims = overlay_dims
if not isinstance(element, (HoloMap, DynamicMap)):
self.hmap = HoloMap(initial_items=(0, element),
kdims=['Frame'], id=element.id)
self.hmap = element
if overlaid:
self.stream_sources = stream_sources
self.stream_sources = compute_overlayable_zorders(self.hmap)
plot_element = self.hmap.last
if batched and not isinstance(self, GenericOverlayPlot):
plot_element = plot_element.last
dynamic = isinstance(element, DynamicMap) and not element.unbounded
self.top_level = keys is None
if self.top_level:
dimensions = self.hmap.kdims
keys = list(self.hmap.data.keys())
self.style = self.lookup_options(plot_element, 'style') if style is None else style
plot_opts = self.lookup_options(plot_element, 'plot').options
propagate_options = self._propagate_options.copy()
if self._multi_y_propagation:
propagate_options = list(set(propagate_options) - set(GenericOverlayPlot._multi_y_unpropagated))
if self.v17_option_propagation:
inherited = self._traverse_options(plot_element, 'plot',
plot_opts.update(**{k: v[0] for k, v in inherited.items()
if k not in plot_opts})
applied_params = dict(params, **plot_opts)
for p, pval in applied_params.items():
if p in self.param and p in self._deprecations and pval is not None:
super().__init__(keys=keys, dimensions=dimensions,
dynamic=dynamic, **applied_params)
self.batched = batched
self.streams = get_nested_streams(self.hmap) if streams is None else streams
# Attach streams if not overlaid and not a batched ElementPlot
if not (self.overlaid or (self.batched and not isinstance(self, GenericOverlayPlot))):
attach_streams(self, self.hmap)
# Update plot and style options for batched plots
if self.batched:
self.ordering = util.layer_sort(self.hmap)
overlay_opts = self.lookup_options(self.hmap.last, 'plot').options.items()
opts = {k: v for k, v in overlay_opts if k in self.param}
self.style = self.lookup_options(plot_element, 'style').max_cycles(len(self.ordering))
self.ordering = []
[docs] def get_zorder(self, overlay, key, el):
Computes the z-order of element in the NdOverlay
taking into account possible batching of elements.
spec = util.get_overlay_spec(overlay, key, el)
return self.ordering.index(spec)
def _updated_zorders(self, overlay):
specs = [util.get_overlay_spec(overlay, key, el)
for key, el in overlay.data.items()]
self.ordering = sorted(set(self.ordering+specs))
return [self.ordering.index(spec) for spec in specs]
def _get_axis_dims(self, element):
Returns the dimensions corresponding to each axis.
Should return a list of dimensions or list of lists of
dimensions, which will be formatted to label the axis
and to link axes.
dims = element.dimensions()[:2]
if len(dims) == 1:
return dims + [None, None]
return dims + [None]
def _has_axis_dimension(self, element, dimension):
dims = self._get_axis_dims(element)
return any(
dimension in ds if isinstance(ds, list) else dimension == ds
for ds in dims
def _get_frame(self, key):
if isinstance(self.hmap, DynamicMap) and self.overlaid and self.current_frame:
self.current_key = key
return self.current_frame
elif key == self.current_key and not self._force:
return self.current_frame
cached = self.current_key is None and not any(s._triggering for s in self.streams)
key_map = dict(zip([d.name for d in self.dimensions], key))
frame = get_plot_frame(self.hmap, key_map, cached)
traverse_setter(self, '_force', False)
if key not in self.keys and len(key) == self.hmap.ndims and self.dynamic:
self.current_frame = frame
self.current_key = key
return frame
def _execute_hooks(self, element):
Executes finalize hooks
for hook in self.hooks:
hook(self, element)
except Exception as e:
self.param.warning(f"Plotting hook {hook!r} could not be "
f"applied:\n\n {e}")
[docs] def get_aspect(self, xspan, yspan):
Should define the aspect ratio of the plot.
[docs] def get_padding(self, obj, extents):
Computes padding along the axes taking into account the plot aspect.
(x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1) = extents
padding_opt = self.lookup_options(obj, 'plot').kwargs.get('padding')
if self.overlaid:
padding = 0
elif padding_opt is None:
if self.param.objects('existing')['padding'].default is not self.padding:
padding = self.padding
opts = self._traverse_options(
obj, 'plot', ['padding'], specs=[Element], defaults=True
padding = opts.get('padding')
if padding:
padding = padding[0]
padding = self.padding
padding = padding_opt
xpad, ypad, zpad = get_axis_padding(padding)
if not self.overlaid and not self.batched:
xspan = x1-x0 if util.is_number(x0) and util.is_number(x1) else None
yspan = y1-y0 if util.is_number(y0) and util.is_number(y1) else None
aspect = self.get_aspect(xspan, yspan)
if aspect > 1:
xpad = tuple(xp/aspect for xp in xpad) if isinstance(xpad, tuple) else xpad/aspect
ypad = tuple(yp*aspect for yp in ypad) if isinstance(ypad, tuple) else ypad*aspect
return xpad, ypad, zpad
def _get_range_extents(self, element, ranges, range_type, xdim, ydim, zdim):
dims = element.dimensions()
ndims = len(dims)
xdim = xdim or (dims[0] if ndims else None)
ydim = ydim or (dims[1] if ndims > 1 else None)
if isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d':
zdim = zdim or (dims[2] if ndims > 2 else None)
zdim = None
(x0, x1), xsrange, xhrange = get_range(element, ranges, xdim)
(y0, y1), ysrange, yhrange = get_range(element, ranges, ydim)
(z0, z1), zsrange, zhrange = get_range(element, ranges, zdim)
trigger = False
if not self.overlaid and not self.batched:
xspan, yspan, zspan = (v/2. for v in get_axis_padding(self.default_span))
mx0, mx1 = get_minimum_span(x0, x1, xspan)
if x0 != mx0 or x1 != mx1:
x0, x1 = mx0, mx1
trigger = True
my0, my1 = get_minimum_span(y0, y1, yspan)
if y0 != my0 or y1 != my1:
y0, y1 = my0, my1
trigger = True
mz0, mz1 = get_minimum_span(z0, z1, zspan)
xpad, ypad, zpad = self.get_padding(element, (x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1))
if range_type == 'soft':
x0, x1 = xsrange
elif range_type == 'hard':
x0, x1 = xhrange
elif xdim == 'categorical':
x0, x1 = '', ''
elif range_type == 'combined':
x0, x1 = util.dimension_range(x0, x1, xhrange, xsrange, xpad, self.logx)
if range_type == 'soft':
y0, y1 = ysrange
elif range_type == 'hard':
y0, y1 = yhrange
elif range_type == 'combined':
y0, y1 = util.dimension_range(y0, y1, yhrange, ysrange, ypad, self.logy)
elif ydim == 'categorical':
y0, y1 = '', ''
elif ydim is None:
y0, y1 = np.nan, np.nan
if isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d':
if range_type == 'soft':
z0, z1 = zsrange
elif range_type == 'data':
z0, z1 = zhrange
elif range_type=='combined':
z0, z1 = util.dimension_range(z0, z1, zhrange, zsrange, zpad, self.logz)
elif zdim == 'categorical':
z0, z1 = '', ''
elif zdim is None:
z0, z1 = np.nan, np.nan
return (x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
if not self.drawn:
for stream in getattr(self, 'source_streams', []):
if (isinstance(stream, (RangeX, RangeY, RangeXY)) and
trigger and stream not in self._trigger):
return (x0, y0, x1, y1)
[docs] def get_extents(self, element, ranges, range_type='combined', dimension=None, xdim=None, ydim=None, zdim=None, **kwargs):
Gets the extents for the axes from the current Element. The globally
computed ranges can optionally override the extents.
The extents are computed by combining the data ranges, extents
and dimension ranges. Each of these can be obtained individually
by setting the range_type to one of:
* 'data': Just the data ranges
* 'extents': Element.extents
* 'soft': Dimension.soft_range values
* 'hard': Dimension.range values
To obtain the combined range, which includes range padding the
default may be used:
* 'combined': All the range types combined and padding applied
This allows Overlay plots to obtain each range and combine them
appropriately for all the objects in the overlay.
num = 6 if (isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d') else 4
if self.apply_extents and range_type in ('combined', 'extents'):
norm_opts = self.lookup_options(element, 'norm').options
if norm_opts.get('framewise', False) or self.dynamic:
extents = element.extents
extent_list = self.hmap.traverse(lambda x: x.extents, [Element])
extents = util.max_extents(
isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d'
extents = (np.nan,) * num
if range_type == 'extents':
return extents
if self.apply_ranges:
range_extents = self._get_range_extents(element, ranges, range_type, xdim, ydim, zdim)
range_extents = (np.nan,) * num
if getattr(self, 'shared_axes', False) and self.subplot:
combined = util.max_extents(
[range_extents, extents],
isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d'
max_extent = []
for l1, l2 in zip(range_extents, extents):
if isfinite(l2):
combined = tuple(max_extent)
if isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d':
x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1 = combined
x0, y0, x1, y1 = combined
x0, x1 = util.dimension_range(x0, x1, self.xlim, (None, None))
y0, y1 = util.dimension_range(y0, y1, self.ylim, (None, None))
if not self.drawn:
x_range, y_range = ((y0, y1), (x0, x1)) if self.invert_axes else ((x0, x1), (y0, y1))
for stream in getattr(self, 'source_streams', []):
if isinstance(stream, RangeX):
params = {'x_range': x_range}
elif isinstance(stream, RangeY):
params = {'y_range': y_range}
elif isinstance(stream, RangeXY):
params = {'x_range': x_range, 'y_range': y_range}
if stream not in self._trigger and (self.xlim or self.ylim):
if isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d':
z0, z1 = util.dimension_range(z0, z1, self.zlim, (None, None))
return (x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
return (x0, y0, x1, y1)
def _get_axis_labels(self, dimensions, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None):
if self.xlabel is not None:
xlabel = self.xlabel
elif dimensions and xlabel is None:
xdims = dimensions[0]
xlabel = dim_axis_label(xdims) if xdims else ''
if self.ylabel is not None:
ylabel = self.ylabel
elif len(dimensions) >= 2 and ylabel is None:
ydims = dimensions[1]
ylabel = dim_axis_label(ydims) if ydims else ''
if getattr(self, 'zlabel', None) is not None:
zlabel = self.zlabel
elif (isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d'
and len(dimensions) >= 3 and zlabel is None):
zlabel = dim_axis_label(dimensions[2]) if dimensions[2] else ''
return xlabel, ylabel, zlabel
def _format_title_components(self, key, dimensions=True, separator='\n'):
frame = self._get_frame(key)
if frame is None:
return ('', '', '', '')
type_name = type(frame).__name__
group = frame.group if frame.group != type_name else ''
label = frame.label
if self.layout_dimensions or dimensions:
dim_title = self._frame_title(key, separator=separator)
dim_title = ''
return (label, group, type_name, dim_title)
def _parse_backend_opt(self, opt, plot, model_accessor_aliases):
Parses a custom option of the form 'model.accessor.option'
and returns the corresponding model and accessor.
accessors = opt.split('.')
if len(accessors) < 2:
self.param.warning(f"Custom option {opt!r} expects at least "
"two accessors separated by '.'")
model_accessor = accessors[0]
# convert alias to handle key (figure -> fig)
model_accessor = model_accessor_aliases.get(model_accessor) or model_accessor
if model_accessor in self.handles:
model = self.handles[model_accessor]
elif hasattr(plot, model_accessor):
model = getattr(plot, model_accessor)
f"{model_accessor} model could not be resolved "
f"on {type(self).__name__!r} plot. "
f"Ensure the {opt!r} custom option spec "
f"references a valid model in the "
f"plot.handles {list(self.handles.keys())!r} or on the underlying "
f"figure object."
for acc in accessors[1:-1]:
# the logic handles resolving something like:
# legend.get_texts()[0].set_fontsize
if '[' in acc and acc.endswith(']'):
getitem_index = acc.index('[')
# gets the '0:2' or '0,2' or ':2' or '2:'
getitem_spec = acc[getitem_index+1:-1]
if ':' in getitem_spec:
# slice notation
slice_parts = getitem_spec.split(':')
slice_start = None if slice_parts[0] == '' else int(slice_parts[0])
slice_stop = None if slice_parts[1] == '' else int(slice_parts[1])
slice_step = None if len(slice_parts) < 3 or slice_parts[2] == '' else int(slice_parts[2])
getitem_acc = slice(slice_start, slice_stop, slice_step)
elif ',' in getitem_spec:
# multiple items
getitem_acc = [literal_eval(item.strip()) for item in getitem_spec.split(',')]
# single index
getitem_acc = literal_eval(getitem_spec)
except Exception:
f"Could not evaluate getitem {getitem_spec!r} "
f"in custom option spec {opt!r}.")
model = None
# gets the 'legend.get_texts()'
acc = acc[:getitem_index]
getitem_acc = None
if "(" in acc and ")" in acc:
method_ini_index = acc.index("(")
method_end_index = acc.index(")")
method_spec = acc[method_ini_index + 1:method_end_index]
if method_spec:
method_parts = method_spec.split(',')
method_args = []
method_kwargs = {}
for part in method_parts:
if '=' in part:
# Handle keyword argument
key, value = part.split('=')
method_kwargs[key.strip()] = literal_eval(value.strip())
# Handle regular argument
method_args = ()
method_kwargs = {}
except Exception:
f"Could not evaluate method arguments {method_spec!r} "
f"in custom option spec {opt!r}.")
model = None
acc = acc[:method_ini_index]
# finally, we do something with all the things we gathered above
if not isinstance(model, list):
model = getattr(model, acc)(*method_args, **method_kwargs)
model = [getattr(m, acc)(*method_args, **method_kwargs) for m in model]
if getitem_acc is not None:
if not isinstance(getitem_acc, list):
model = model.__getitem__(getitem_acc)
model = [model.__getitem__(i) for i in getitem_acc]
acc = acc[method_end_index:]
if acc == "" or model is None:
if not hasattr(model, acc):
f"Could not resolve {acc!r} attribute on "
f"{type(model).__name__!r} model. Ensure the "
f"custom option spec you provided "
f"references a valid submodel."
model = None
model = getattr(model, acc)
attr_accessor = accessors[-1]
return model, attr_accessor
[docs] def update_frame(self, key, ranges=None):
Set the plot(s) to the given frame number. Operates by
manipulating the matplotlib objects held in the self._handles
If n is greater than the number of available frames, update
using the last available frame.
[docs]class GenericOverlayPlot(GenericElementPlot):
Plotting baseclass to render (Nd)Overlay objects. It implements
methods to handle the creation of ElementPlots, coordinating style
groupings and zorder for all layers across a HoloMap. It also
allows collapsing of layers via the Compositor.
batched = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to plot Elements NdOverlay in a batched plotting call
if possible. Disables legends and zorder may not be preserved.""")
legend_limit = param.Integer(default=25, doc="""
Number of rendered glyphs before legends are disabled.""")
show_legend = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to show legend for the plot.""")
style_grouping = param.Integer(default=2, doc="""
The length of the type.group.label spec that will be used to
group Elements into style groups. A style_grouping value of
1 will group just by type, a value of 2 will group by type and
group, and a value of 3 will group by the full specification.""")
_passed_handles = []
# Options not to be propagated in multi_y mode to allow independent control of y-axes
_multi_y_unpropagated = ['yaxis', 'ylim', 'invert_yaxis', 'logy']
def __init__(self, overlay, ranges=None, batched=True, keys=None, group_counter=None, **params):
if 'projection' not in params:
params['projection'] = self._get_projection(overlay)
super().__init__(overlay, ranges=ranges, keys=keys,
batched=batched, **params)
if ('multi_y' in self.param) and self.multi_y:
for s in self.streams:
intersection = set(s.param) & {'y', 'y_selection', 'bounds', 'boundsy'}
if intersection:
self.param.warning(f'{type(s).__name__} stream parameters'
f' {list(intersection)} not yet supported with multi_y=True')
# Apply data collapse
self.hmap = self._apply_compositor(self.hmap, ranges, self.keys)
self.map_lengths = Counter()
self.group_counter = Counter() if group_counter is None else group_counter
self.cyclic_index_lookup = {}
self.zoffset = 0
self.subplots = self._create_subplots(ranges)
self.traverse(lambda x: setattr(x, 'comm', self.comm))
self.top_level = keys is None
self.dynamic_subplots = []
if self.top_level:
self.traverse(lambda x: attach_streams(self, x.hmap, 2),
def _apply_compositor(self, holomap, ranges=None, keys=None, dimensions=None):
Given a HoloMap compute the appropriate (mapwise or framewise)
ranges in order to apply the Compositor collapse operations in
display mode (data collapse should already have happened).
# Compute framewise normalization
defaultdim = holomap.ndims == 1 and holomap.kdims[0].name != 'Frame'
if keys and ranges and dimensions and not defaultdim:
dim_inds = [dimensions.index(d) for d in holomap.kdims]
sliced_keys = [tuple(k[i] for i in dim_inds) for k in keys]
frame_ranges = dict([(slckey, self.compute_ranges(holomap, key, ranges[key]))
for key, slckey in zip(keys, sliced_keys) if slckey in holomap.data.keys()])
mapwise_ranges = self.compute_ranges(holomap, None, None)
frame_ranges = dict([(key, self.compute_ranges(holomap, key, mapwise_ranges))
for key in holomap.data.keys()])
ranges = frame_ranges.values()
with disable_pipeline():
collapsed = Compositor.collapse(holomap, (ranges, frame_ranges.keys()), mode='display')
return collapsed
def _create_subplots(self, ranges):
# Check if plot should be batched
ordering = util.layer_sort(self.hmap)
batched = self.batched and type(self.hmap.last) is NdOverlay
if batched:
backend = self.renderer.backend
batchedplot = Store.registry[backend].get(self.hmap.last.type)
if (batched and batchedplot and 'batched' in batchedplot._plot_methods and
(not self.show_legend or len(ordering) > self.legend_limit)):
self.batched = True
keys, vmaps = [()], [self.hmap]
self.batched = False
keys, vmaps = self.hmap._split_overlays()
if isinstance(self.hmap, DynamicMap):
dmap_streams = [get_nested_streams(layer) for layer in
dmap_streams = [None]*len(keys)
# Compute global ordering
length = self.style_grouping
group_fn = lambda x: (x.type.__name__, x.last.group, x.last.label)
for m in vmaps:
self.map_lengths[group_fn(m)[:length]] += 1
subplots = {}
for (key, vmap, streams) in zip(keys, vmaps, dmap_streams):
subplot = self._create_subplot(key, vmap, streams, ranges)
if subplot is None:
if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,)
subplots[key] = subplot
if isinstance(subplot, GenericOverlayPlot):
self.zoffset += len(subplot.subplots.keys()) - 1
if not subplots:
raise SkipRendering("%s backend could not plot any Elements "
"in the Overlay." % self.renderer.backend)
return subplots
def _create_subplot(self, key, obj, streams, ranges):
registry = Store.registry[self.renderer.backend]
ordering = util.layer_sort(self.hmap)
overlay_type = 1 if self.hmap.type == Overlay else 2
group_fn = lambda x: (x.type.__name__, x.last.group, x.last.label)
opts = {'overlaid': overlay_type}
if self.hmap.type == Overlay:
style_key = (obj.type.__name__,) + key
if self.overlay_dims:
opts['overlay_dims'] = self.overlay_dims
if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,)
style_key = group_fn(obj) + key
opts['overlay_dims'] = dict(zip(self.hmap.last.kdims, key))
if self.batched:
vtype = type(obj.last.last)
oidx = 0
vtype = type(obj.last)
if style_key not in ordering:
oidx = ordering.index(style_key)
plottype = registry.get(vtype, None)
if plottype is None:
"No plotting class for {} type and {} backend "
"found. ".format(vtype.__name__, self.renderer.backend))
return None
# Get zorder and style counter
length = self.style_grouping
group_key = style_key[:length]
zorder = self.zorder + oidx + self.zoffset
cyclic_index = self.group_counter[group_key]
self.cyclic_index_lookup[style_key] = cyclic_index
self.group_counter[group_key] += 1
group_length = self.map_lengths[group_key]
if not isinstance(plottype, PlotSelector) and issubclass(plottype, GenericOverlayPlot):
opts['group_counter'] = self.group_counter
opts['show_legend'] = self.show_legend
if not any(len(frame) for frame in obj):
self.param.warning('%s is empty and will be skipped '
'during plotting' % obj.last)
return None
elif self.batched and 'batched' in plottype._plot_methods:
param_vals = self.param.values()
propagate = {opt: param_vals[opt] for opt in self._propagate_options
if opt in param_vals}
opts['batched'] = self.batched
opts['overlaid'] = self.overlaid
if len(ordering) > self.legend_limit:
opts['show_legend'] = False
style = self.lookup_options(obj.last, 'style').max_cycles(group_length)
passed_handles = {k: v for k, v in self.handles.items()
if k in self._passed_handles}
plotopts = dict(opts, cyclic_index=cyclic_index,
dimensions=self.dimensions, keys=self.keys,
ranges=ranges, show_title=self.show_title,
style=style, uniform=self.uniform,
fontsize=self.fontsize, streams=streams,
renderer=self.renderer, adjoined=self.adjoined,
projection=self.projection, fontscale=self.fontscale,
zorder=zorder, root=self.root, **passed_handles)
return plottype(obj, **plotopts)
def _match_subplot(self, key, subplot, items, element):
found = False
temp_items = list(items)
while not found:
idx, spec, exact = dynamic_update(self, subplot, key, element, temp_items)
if idx is not None:
if not exact:
exact_matches = [
dynamic_update(self, subplot, k, element, temp_items)
for k in self.subplots
exact_matches = [m for m in exact_matches if m[-1]]
if exact_matches:
idx = exact_matches[0][0]
_, el = temp_items.pop(idx)
found = True
if idx is not None:
idx = items.index(temp_items.pop(idx))
return idx, spec, exact
def _create_dynamic_subplots(self, key, items, ranges, **init_kwargs):
Handles the creation of new subplots when a DynamicMap returns
a changing set of elements in an Overlay.
length = self.style_grouping
group_fn = lambda x: (x.type.__name__, x.last.group, x.last.label)
for k, obj in items:
vmap = self.hmap.clone([(key, obj)])
self.map_lengths[group_fn(vmap)[:length]] += 1
subplot = self._create_subplot(k, vmap, [], ranges)
if subplot is None:
subplot.document = self.document
if self.comm:
subplot.comm = self.comm
self.subplots[k] = subplot
subplot.initialize_plot(ranges, **init_kwargs)
subplot.update_frame(key, ranges, element=obj)
def _update_subplot(self, subplot, spec):
Updates existing subplots when the subplot has been assigned
to plot an element that is not an exact match to the object
it was initially assigned.
# See if the precise spec has already been assigned a cyclic
# index otherwise generate a new one
if spec in self.cyclic_index_lookup:
cyclic_index = self.cyclic_index_lookup[spec]
group_key = spec[:self.style_grouping]
self.group_counter[group_key] += 1
cyclic_index = self.group_counter[group_key]
self.cyclic_index_lookup[spec] = cyclic_index
subplot.cyclic_index = cyclic_index
if subplot.overlay_dims:
odim_key = util.wrap_tuple(spec[-1])
new_dims = zip(subplot.overlay_dims, odim_key)
subplot.overlay_dims = dict(new_dims)
def _get_subplot_extents(self, overlay, ranges, range_type, dimension=None):
Iterates over all subplots and collects the extents of each.
if range_type == 'combined':
extents = {'extents': [], 'soft': [], 'hard': [], 'data': []}
extents = {range_type: []}
items = overlay.items()
if self.batched and self.subplots:
subplot = next(iter(self.subplots.values()))
subplots = [(k, subplot) for k in overlay.data.keys()]
subplots = self.subplots.items()
for key, subplot in subplots:
found = False
if subplot is None:
layer = overlay.data.get(key, None)
if isinstance(self.hmap, DynamicMap) and layer is None:
for _, layer in items:
if isinstance(layer, subplot.hmap.type):
found = True
if not found:
layer = None
if layer is None or not subplot.apply_ranges:
if dimension and not subplot._has_axis_dimension(layer, dimension):
if isinstance(layer, CompositeOverlay):
sp_ranges = ranges
sp_ranges = util.match_spec(layer, ranges) if ranges else {}
for rt in extents:
extent = subplot.get_extents(layer, sp_ranges, range_type=rt)
return extents
[docs] def get_extents(self, overlay, ranges, range_type='combined', dimension=None, **kwargs):
subplot_extents = self._get_subplot_extents(overlay, ranges, range_type, dimension)
zrange = isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d'
extents = {k: util.max_extents(rs, zrange) for k, rs in subplot_extents.items()}
if range_type != 'combined':
return extents[range_type]
# Unpack extents
if len(extents['data']) == 6:
x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1 = extents['data']
sx0, sy0, sz0, sx1, sy1, sz1 = extents['soft']
hx0, hy0, hz0, hx1, hy1, hz1 = extents['hard']
x0, y0, x1, y1 = extents['data']
sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1 = extents['soft']
hx0, hy0, hx1, hy1 = extents['hard']
z0, z1 = np.nan, np.nan
# Apply minimum span
xspan, yspan, zspan = (v/2. for v in get_axis_padding(self.default_span))
x0, x1 = get_minimum_span(x0, x1, xspan)
y0, y1 = get_minimum_span(y0, y1, yspan)
z0, z1 = get_minimum_span(z0, z1, zspan)
# Apply padding
xpad, ypad, zpad = self.get_padding(overlay, (x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1))
x0, x1 = util.dimension_range(x0, x1, (hx0, hx1), (sx0, sx1), xpad, self.logx)
y0, y1 = util.dimension_range(y0, y1, (hy0, hy1), (sy0, sy1), ypad, self.logy)
if len(extents['data']) == 6:
z0, z1 = util.dimension_range(z0, z1, (hz0, hz1), (sz0, sz1), zpad, self.logz)
padded = (x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
padded = (x0, y0, x1, y1)
# Combine with Element.extents
combined = util.max_extents([padded, extents['extents']], zrange)
if isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d':
x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1 = combined
x0, y0, x1, y1 = combined
# Apply xlim, ylim, zlim plot option
x0, x1 = util.dimension_range(x0, x1, self.xlim, (None, None))
if not (('multi_y' in self.param) and self.multi_y):
y0, y1 = util.dimension_range(y0, y1, self.ylim, (None, None))
if isinstance(self.projection, str) and self.projection == '3d':
z0, z1 = util.dimension_range(z0, z1, getattr(self, 'zlim', (None, None)), (None, None))
return (x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
return (x0, y0, x1, y1)
[docs]class GenericCompositePlot(DimensionedPlot):
def __init__(self, layout, keys=None, dimensions=None, **params):
if 'uniform' not in params:
params['uniform'] = traversal.uniform(layout)
self.top_level = keys is None
if self.top_level:
dimensions, keys = traversal.unique_dimkeys(layout)
dynamic, unbounded = get_dynamic_mode(layout)
if unbounded:
initialize_unbounded(layout, dimensions, keys[0])
self.layout = layout
super().__init__(keys=keys, dynamic=dynamic,
dimensions=dimensions, **params)
nested_streams = layout.traverse(lambda x: get_nested_streams(x),
self.streams = list({s for streams in nested_streams for s in streams})
def _link_dimensioned_streams(self):
Should perform any linking required to update titles when dimensioned
streams change.
def _get_frame(self, key):
Creates a clone of the Layout with the nth-frame for each
cached = self.current_key is None
layout_frame = self.layout.clone(shared_data=False)
if key == self.current_key and not self._force:
return self.current_frame
self.current_key = key
key_map = dict(zip([d.name for d in self.dimensions], key))
for path, item in self.layout.items():
frame = get_nested_plot_frame(item, key_map, cached)
if frame is not None:
layout_frame[path] = frame
traverse_setter(self, '_force', False)
self.current_frame = layout_frame
return layout_frame
def _format_title_components(self, key, dimensions=True, separator='\n'):
dim_title = self._frame_title(key, 3, separator) if dimensions else ''
layout = self.layout
type_name = type(self.layout).__name__
group = util.bytes_to_unicode(layout.group if layout.group != type_name else '')
label = util.bytes_to_unicode(layout.label)
return (label, group, type_name, dim_title)
[docs]class GenericLayoutPlot(GenericCompositePlot):
A GenericLayoutPlot accepts either a Layout or a NdLayout and
displays the elements in a cartesian grid in scanline order.
transpose = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to transpose the layout when plotting. Switches
from row-based left-to-right and top-to-bottom scanline order
to column-based top-to-bottom and left-to-right order.""")
def __init__(self, layout, **params):
if not isinstance(layout, (NdLayout, Layout)):
raise ValueError("GenericLayoutPlot only accepts Layout objects.")
if len(layout.values()) == 0:
raise SkipRendering(warn=False)
super().__init__(layout, **params)
self.subplots = {}
self.rows, self.cols = layout.shape[::-1] if self.transpose else layout.shape
self.coords = list(product(range(self.rows),
[docs]class GenericAdjointLayoutPlot(Plot):
AdjointLayoutPlot allows placing up to three Views in a number of
predefined and fixed layouts, which are defined by the layout_dict
class attribute. This allows placing subviews next to a main plot
in either a 'top' or 'right' position.
layout_dict = {'Single': {'positions': ['main']},
'Dual': {'positions': ['main', 'right']},
'Triple': {'positions': ['main', 'right', 'top']}}