Source code for holoviews.ipython.widgets

import math
import sys
import time

import param
from IPython.core.display import clear_output

from ..core.util import ProgressIndicator

[docs]class ProgressBar(ProgressIndicator): """ A simple text progress bar suitable for both the IPython notebook and the IPython interactive prompt. ProgressBars are automatically nested if a previous instantiated progress bars has not achieved 100% completion. """ display = param.ObjectSelector(default='stdout', objects=['stdout', 'disabled', 'broadcast'], doc=""" Parameter to control display of the progress bar. By default, progress is shown on stdout but this may be disabled e.g. for jobs that log standard output to file. If the output mode is set to 'broadcast', a socket is opened on a stated port to broadcast the completion percentage. The RemoteProgress class may then be used to view the progress from a different process.""") width = param.Integer(default=70, doc=""" The width of the progress bar as the number of characters""") fill_char = param.String(default='#', doc=""" The character used to fill the progress bar.""") blank_char = param.String(default=' ', doc=""" The character for the blank portion of the progress bar.""") elapsed_time = param.Boolean(default=True, doc=""" If enabled, the progress bar will disappear and display the total elapsed time once 100% completion is reached.""") cache = {} current_progress = [] def __init__(self, **params): self.start_time = None self._stdout_display(0, False) ProgressBar.current_progress.append(self) super().__init__(**params) def __call__(self, percentage): " Update the progress bar within the specified percent_range" if self.start_time is None: self.start_time = time.time() span = (self.percent_range[1]-self.percent_range[0]) percentage = self.percent_range[0] + ((percentage/100.0) * span) if self.display == 'disabled': return elif self.display == 'stdout': if percentage==100 and self.elapsed_time: elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time if clear_output: clear_output() self.out = '\r' + ('100%% %s %02d:%02d:%02d' % (self.label.lower(), elapsed//3600, elapsed//60, elapsed%60)) output = ''.join([pg.out for pg in self.current_progress]) sys.stdout.write(output) else: self._stdout_display(percentage) if percentage == 100 and ProgressBar.current_progress: ProgressBar.current_progress.pop() return if 'socket' not in self.cache: self.cache['socket'] = self._get_socket() if self.cache['socket'] is not None: self.cache['socket'].send(f'{percentage}|{self.label}') def _stdout_display(self, percentage, display=True): if clear_output: clear_output() percent_per_char = 100.0 / self.width char_count = int(math.floor(percentage/percent_per_char) if percentage<100.0 else self.width) blank_count = self.width - char_count prefix = '\n' if len(self.current_progress) > 1 else '' self.out = prefix + ("{}[{}{}] {:0.1f}%".format(self.label+':\n' if self.label else '', self.fill_char * char_count, ' '*len(self.fill_char) * blank_count, percentage)) if display: sys.stdout.write(''.join([pg.out for pg in self.current_progress])) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.0001) def _get_socket(self, min_port=8080, max_port=8100, max_tries=20): import zmq context = zmq.Context() sock = context.socket(zmq.PUB) try: port = sock.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*', min_port=min_port, max_port=max_port, max_tries=max_tries) self.param.message("Progress broadcast bound to port %d" % port) return sock except Exception: self.param.message("No suitable port found for progress broadcast.") return None
[docs]class RemoteProgress(ProgressBar): """ Connect to a progress bar in a separate process with output_mode set to 'broadcast' in order to display the results (to stdout). """ hostname=param.String(default='localhost', doc=""" Hostname where progress is being broadcast.""") port = param.Integer(default=8080, doc="Target port on hostname.") def __init__(self, port, **params): super().__init__(port=port, **params) def __call__(self): import zmq context = zmq.Context() sock = context.socket(zmq.SUB) sock.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '') sock.connect('tcp://' + self.hostname +':'+str(self.port)) # Get progress via socket percent = None while True: try: message= sock.recv() [percent_str, label] = message.split('|') percent = float(percent_str) self.label = label super().__call__(percent) except KeyboardInterrupt: if percent is not None: self.param.message(f"Exited at {percent:.3f}% completion") break except Exception: self.param.message(f"Could not process socket message: {message!r}")
[docs]class RunProgress(ProgressBar): """ RunProgress breaks up the execution of a slow running command so that the level of completion can be displayed during execution. This class is designed to run commands that take a single numeric argument that acts additively. Namely, it is expected that a slow running command 'run_hook(X+Y)' can be arbitrarily broken up into multiple, faster executing calls 'run_hook(X)' and 'run_hook(Y)' without affecting the overall result. For instance, this is suitable for simulations where the numeric argument is the simulated time - typically, advancing 10 simulated seconds takes about twice as long as advancing by 5 seconds. """ interval = param.Number(default=100, doc=""" The run interval used to break up updates to the progress bar.""") run_hook = param.Callable(default=param.Dynamic.time_fn.advance, doc=""" By default updates time in param which is very fast and does not need a progress bar. Should be set to some slower running callable where display of progress level is desired.""") def __init__(self, **params): super().__init__(**params) def __call__(self, value): """ Execute the run_hook to a total of value, breaking up progress updates by the value specified by interval. """ completed = 0 while (value - completed) >= self.interval: self.run_hook(self.interval) completed += self.interval super().__call__(100 * (completed / float(value))) remaining = value - completed if remaining != 0: self.run_hook(remaining) super().__call__(100)
[docs]def progress(iterator, enum=False, length=None): """ A helper utility to display a progress bar when iterating over a collection of a fixed length or a generator (with a declared length). If enum=True, then equivalent to enumerate with a progress bar. """ progress = ProgressBar() length = len(iterator) if length is None else length gen = enumerate(iterator) while True: i, val = next(gen) progress((i+1.0)/length * 100) if enum: yield i, val else: yield val