Source code for holoviews.ipython.archive

Implements NotebookArchive used to automatically capture notebook data
and export it to disk via the display hooks.

import os
import sys
import time
import traceback

import param
from IPython.display import Javascript, display
from nbconvert import HTMLExporter, NotebookExporter
from nbconvert.preprocessors.clearoutput import ClearOutputPreprocessor
from nbformat import reader

from import FileArchive, Pickler
from ..plotting.renderer import HTML_TAGS, MIME_TYPES
from .preprocessors import Substitute

[docs]class NotebookArchive(FileArchive): """ FileArchive that can automatically capture notebook data via the display hooks and automatically adds a notebook HTML snapshot to the archive upon export. """ exporters = param.List(default=[Pickler]) skip_notebook_export = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Whether to skip JavaScript capture of notebook data which may be unreliable. Also disabled automatic capture of notebook name.""") snapshot_name = param.String('index', doc=""" The basename of the exported notebook snapshot (html). It may optionally use the {timestamp} formatter.""") filename_formatter = param.String(default='{dimensions},{obj}', doc=""" Similar to FileArchive.filename_formatter except with support for the notebook name field as {notebook}.""") export_name = param.String(default='{notebook}', doc=""" Similar to FileArchive.filename_formatter except with support for the notebook name field as {notebook}.""") auto = param.Boolean(False) # Used for debugging to view Exceptions raised from Javascript traceback = None ffields = FileArchive.ffields.union({'notebook'}) efields = FileArchive.efields.union({'notebook'}) def __init__(self, **params): super().__init__(**params) self.nbversion = None self.notebook_name = None self.export_success = None self._auto = False self._replacements = {} self._notebook_data = None self._timestamp = None self._tags = {MIME_TYPES[k]:v for k,v in HTML_TAGS.items() if k in MIME_TYPES} keywords = [f'{k}={v.__class__.__name__}' for k, v in self.param.objects().items()] = f"auto(enabled=Boolean, {', '.join(keywords)})"
[docs] def get_namespace(self): """ Find the name the user is using to access holoviews. """ if 'holoviews' not in sys.modules: raise ImportError('HoloViews does not seem to be imported') matches = [k for k,v in get_ipython().user_ns.items() # noqa (get_ipython) if not k.startswith('_') and v is sys.modules['holoviews']] if len(matches) == 0: raise Exception("Could not find holoviews module in namespace") return f'{matches[0]}.archive'
[docs] def last_export_status(self): "Helper to show the status of the last call to the export method." if self.export_success is True: print("The last call to holoviews.archive.export was successful.") return elif self.export_success is None: print("Status of the last call to holoviews.archive.export is unknown." "\n(Re-execute this method once kernel status is idle.)") return print("The last call to holoviews.archive.export was unsuccessful.") if self.traceback is None: print("\n<No traceback captured>") else: print("\n"+self.traceback)
[docs] def auto(self, enabled=True, clear=False, **kwargs): """ Method to enable or disable automatic capture, allowing you to simultaneously set the instance parameters. """ self.namespace = self.get_namespace() self.notebook_name = "{notebook}" self._timestamp = tuple(time.localtime()) kernel = r'var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel; ' nbname = r"var nbname = IPython.notebook.get_notebook_name(); " nbcmd = (r"var name_cmd = '%s.notebook_name = \"' + nbname + '\"'; " % self.namespace) cmd = (kernel + nbname + nbcmd + "kernel.execute(name_cmd); ") display(Javascript(cmd)) time.sleep(0.5) self._auto=enabled self.param.update(**kwargs) tstamp = time.strftime(" [%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]", self._timestamp) # When clear == True, it clears the archive, in order to start a new auto capture in a clean archive if clear: FileArchive.clear(self) print("Automatic capture is now {}.{}".format('enabled' if enabled else 'disabled', tstamp if enabled else ''))
[docs] def export(self, timestamp=None): """ Get the current notebook data and export. """ if self._timestamp is None: raise Exception("No timestamp set. Has the archive been initialized?") if self.skip_notebook_export: super().export(timestamp=self._timestamp, info={'notebook':self.notebook_name}) return self.export_success = None name = self.get_namespace() # Unfortunate javascript hacks to get at notebook data capture_cmd = ((r"var capture = '%s._notebook_data=r\"\"\"'" % name) + r"+json_string+'\"\"\"'; ") cmd = (r'var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel; ' + r'var json_data = IPython.notebook.toJSON(); ' + r'var json_string = JSON.stringify(json_data); ' + capture_cmd + f"var pycmd = capture + ';{name}._export_with_html()'; " + r"kernel.execute(pycmd)") tstamp = time.strftime(self.timestamp_format, self._timestamp) export_name = self._format(self.export_name, {'timestamp':tstamp, 'notebook':self.notebook_name}) print(('Export name: {!r}\nDirectory {!r}'.format(export_name, os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.root)))) + '\n\nIf no output appears, please check holoviews.archive.last_export_status()') display(Javascript(cmd))
[docs] def add(self, obj=None, filename=None, data=None, info=None, html=None): "Similar to FileArchive.add but accepts html strings for substitution" if info is None: info = {} initial_last_key = list(self._files.keys())[-1] if len(self) else None if self._auto: exporters = self.exporters[:] # Can only associate html for one exporter at a time for exporter in exporters: self.exporters = [exporter] info = dict(info, notebook=self.notebook_name) super().add(obj, filename, data, info=info) # Only add substitution if file successfully added to archive. new_last_key = list(self._files.keys())[-1] if len(self) else None if new_last_key != initial_last_key: self._replacements[new_last_key] = html # Restore the full list of exporters self.exporters = exporters
# The following methods are executed via JavaScript and so fail # to appear in the coverage report even though they are tested. def _generate_html(self, node, substitutions): # pragma: no cover exporter = HTMLExporter() exporter.register_preprocessor(Substitute(self.nbversion, substitutions)) html,_ = exporter.from_notebook_node(node) return html def _clear_notebook(self, node): # pragma: no cover exporter = NotebookExporter() exporter.register_preprocessor(ClearOutputPreprocessor(enabled=True)) cleared, _ = exporter.from_notebook_node(node) return cleared def _export_with_html(self): # pragma: no cover "Computes substitutions before using nbconvert with preprocessors" self.export_success = False try: tstamp = time.strftime(self.timestamp_format, self._timestamp) substitutions = {} for (basename, ext), entry in self._files.items(): (_, info) = entry html_key = self._replacements.get((basename, ext), None) if html_key is None: continue filename = self._format(basename, {'timestamp':tstamp, 'notebook':self.notebook_name}) fpath = filename+(f'.{ext}' if ext else '') info = {'src':fpath, 'mime_type':info['mime_type']} # No mime type if 'mime_type' not in info: pass # Not displayable in an HTML tag elif info['mime_type'] not in self._tags: pass else: basename, ext = os.path.splitext(fpath) truncated = self._truncate_name(basename, ext[1:]) link_html = self._format(self._tags[info['mime_type']], {'src':truncated, 'mime_type':info['mime_type'], 'css':''}) substitutions[html_key] = (link_html, truncated) node = self._get_notebook_node() html = self._generate_html(node, substitutions) export_filename = self.snapshot_name # Add the html snapshot info = {'file-ext': 'html', 'mime_type':'text/html', 'notebook':self.notebook_name} super().add(filename=export_filename, data=html, info=info) # Add cleared notebook cleared = self._clear_notebook(node) info = {'file-ext':'ipynb', 'mime_type':'text/json', 'notebook':self.notebook_name} super().add(filename=export_filename, data=cleared, info=info) # If store cleared_notebook... save here super().export(timestamp=self._timestamp, info={'notebook':self.notebook_name}) except Exception: self.traceback = traceback.format_exc() else: self.export_success = True def _get_notebook_node(self): # pragma: no cover "Load captured notebook node" size = len(self._notebook_data) if size == 0: raise Exception("Captured buffer size for notebook node is zero.") node = reader.reads(self._notebook_data) self.nbversion = reader.get_version(node) return node
notebook_archive = NotebookArchive()