Source code for holoviews.plotting.widgets
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os, uuid, json, math
import param
import numpy as np
from ...core import OrderedDict, NdMapping
from ...core.options import Store
from ...core.ndmapping import item_check
from ...core.util import (
dimension_sanitizer, bytes_to_unicode, unique_iterator, unicode,
isnumeric, cross_index, wrap_tuple_streams, drop_streams
from ...core.traversal import hierarchical
[docs]def escape_vals(vals, escape_numerics=True):
Escapes a list of values to a string, converting to
unicode for safety.
# Ints formatted as floats to disambiguate with counter mode
ints, floats = "%.1f", "%.10f"
escaped = []
for v in vals:
if isinstance(v, np.timedelta64):
v = "'"+str(v)+"'"
elif isinstance(v, np.datetime64):
v = "'"+str(v.astype('datetime64[ns]'))+"'"
elif not isnumeric(v):
v = "'"+unicode(bytes_to_unicode(v))+"'"
if v % 1 == 0:
v = ints % v
v = (floats % v)[:-1]
if escape_numerics:
v = "'"+v+"'"
return escaped
def escape_tuple(vals):
return "(" + ", ".join(vals) + (",)" if len(vals) == 1 else ")")
def escape_list(vals):
return "[" + ", ".join(vals) + "]"
def escape_dict(vals):
vals = [': '.join([k, escape_list(v)]) for k, v in
zip(escape_vals(vals.keys()), vals.values())]
return "{" + ", ".join(vals) + "}"
subdirs = [p[0] for p in os.walk(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], '..'))]
[docs]class NdWidget(param.Parameterized):
NdWidget is an abstract base class implementing a method to find
the dimensions and keys of any ViewableElement, GridSpace or
UniformNdMapping type. In the process it creates a mock_obj to
hold the dimensions and keys.
display_options = param.Dict(default={}, doc="""
The display options used to generate individual frames""")
embed = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to embed all plots in the Javascript, generating
a static widget not dependent on the IPython server.""")
# JSON export options #
export_json = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to export plots as JSON files, which can be
dynamically loaded through a callback from the slider.""")
json_save_path = param.String(default='./json_figures', doc="""
If export_json is enabled the widget will save the JSON
data to this path. If None data will be accessible via the
json_data attribute.""")
json_load_path = param.String(default=None, doc="""
If export_json is enabled the widget JS code will load the data
from this path, if None defaults to json_save_path. For loading
the data from within the notebook the path must be relative,
when exporting the notebook the path can be set to another
location like a webserver where the JSON files can be uploaded to.""")
# Javascript include options #
css = param.String(default=None, doc="""
Defines the local CSS file to be loaded for this widget.""")
basejs = param.String(default='widgets.js', doc="""
JS file containing javascript baseclasses for the widget.""")
extensionjs = param.String(default=None, doc="""
Optional javascript extension file for a particular backend.""")
widgets = {}
counter = 0
def __init__(self, plot, renderer=None, **params):
super(NdWidget, self).__init__(**params) = if plot.comm else uuid.uuid4().hex
self.plot = plot
self.plot_id =
streams = []
for stream in plot.streams:
if any(k in plot.dimensions for k in stream.contents):
keys = plot.keys[:1] if self.plot.dynamic else plot.keys
self.dimensions, self.keys = drop_streams(streams,
defaults = [kd.default for kd in self.dimensions]
self.init_key = tuple(v if d is None else d for v, d in
zip(self.keys[0], defaults))
self.json_data = {}
if self.plot.dynamic: self.embed = False
if renderer is None:
backend = Store.current_backend
self.renderer = Store.renderers[backend]
self.renderer = renderer
# Create mock NdMapping to hold the common dimensions and keys
sorted_dims = []
for dim in self.dimensions:
if dim.values and all(isnumeric(v) for v in dim.values):
dim = dim.clone(values=sorted(dim.values))
if self.plot.dynamic:
self.length = np.product([len(d.values) for d in sorted_dims if d.values])
self.length = len(self.plot)
with item_check(False):
self.mock_obj = NdMapping([(k, None) for k in self.keys],
kdims=sorted_dims, sort=False)
NdWidget.widgets[] = self
# Set up jinja2 templating
import jinja2
templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(subdirs)
self.jinjaEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader)
if not self.embed:
comm_manager = self.renderer.comm_manager
self.comm = comm_manager.get_client_comm('_client',
def cleanup(self):
del NdWidget.widgets[]
def _process_update(self, msg):
if 'content' not in msg:
raise ValueError('Received widget comm message has no content.')
def __call__(self, as_script=False):
data = self._get_data()
html = self.render_html(data)
js = self.render_js(data)
if as_script:
return js, html
js = '<script type="text/javascript">%s</script>' % js
html = '\n'.join([html, js])
return html
def _get_data(self):
delay = int(1000./self.display_options.get('fps', 5))
CDN = {}
for name, resources in self.plot.renderer.core_dependencies.items():
if 'js' in resources:
CDN[name] = resources['js'][0]
for name, resources in self.plot.renderer.extra_dependencies.items():
if 'js' in resources:
CDN[name] = resources['js'][0]
name = type(self).__name__
cached = str(self.embed).lower()
load_json = str(self.export_json).lower()
mode = str(self.renderer.mode)
json_path = (self.json_save_path if self.json_load_path is None
else self.json_load_path)
if json_path and json_path[-1] != '/':
json_path = json_path + '/'
dynamic = json.dumps(self.plot.dynamic) if self.plot.dynamic else 'false'
return dict(CDN=CDN, frames=self.get_frames(), delay=delay,
cached=cached, load_json=load_json, mode=mode,,
Nframes=self.length, widget_name=name, json_path=json_path,
dynamic=dynamic, plot_id=self.plot_id)
def render_html(self, data):
template = self.jinjaEnv.get_template(self.html_template)
return template.render(**data)
def render_js(self, data):
template = self.jinjaEnv.get_template(self.js_template)
return template.render(**data)
def get_frames(self):
if self.embed:
frames = OrderedDict([(idx, self._plot_figure(idx))
for idx in range(len(self.plot))])
frames = {}
return self.encode_frames(frames)
def encode_frames(self, frames):
if isinstance(frames, dict):
frames = dict(frames)
return json.dumps(frames)
[docs] def save_json(self, frames):
Saves frames data into a json file at the
specified json_path, named with the widget uuid.
if self.json_save_path is None: return
path = os.path.join(self.json_save_path, '%s.json' %
if not os.path.isdir(self.json_save_path):
with open(path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(frames, f)
self.json_data = frames
def _plot_figure(self, idx):
with self.renderer.state():
css = self.display_options.get('css', {})
figure_format = self.display_options.get('figure_format',
return self.renderer.html(self.plot, figure_format, css=css)
def update(self, key):
[docs]class ScrubberWidget(NdWidget):
ScrubberWidget generates a basic animation widget with a slider
and various play/rewind/stepping options. It has been adapted
from Jake Vanderplas' JSAnimation library, which was released
under BSD license.
Optionally the individual plots can be exported to json, which can
be dynamically loaded by serving the data the data for each frame
on a simple server.
html_template = param.String('htmlscrubber.jinja', doc="""
The jinja2 template used to generate the html output.""")
js_template = param.String('jsscrubber.jinja', doc="""
The jinja2 template used to generate the html output.""")
def update(self, key):
if not self.plot.dimensions:
if self.plot.dynamic:
key = cross_index([d.values for d in self.mock_obj.kdims], key)
[docs]class SelectionWidget(NdWidget):
Javascript based widget to select and view ViewableElement objects
contained in an NdMapping. For each dimension in the NdMapping a
slider or dropdown selection widget is created and can be used to
select the html output associated with the selected
ViewableElement type. The widget maybe set to embed all frames in
the supplied object into the rendered html or to dynamically
update the widget with a live IPython kernel.
The widget supports all current HoloViews figure backends
including png and svg output..
Just like the ScrubberWidget the data can be optionally saved
to json and dynamically loaded from a server.
css = param.String(default='jsslider.css', doc="""
Defines the local CSS file to be loaded for this widget.""")
html_template = param.String('htmlslider.jinja', doc="""
The jinja2 template used to generate the html output.""")
js_template = param.String('jsslider.jinja', doc="""
The jinja2 template used to generate the html output.""")
# Javascript include options #
throttle = {True: 0, False: 100}
def get_widgets(self):
# Generate widget data
widgets, dimensions, init_dim_vals = [], [], []
if self.plot.dynamic:
hierarchy = None
hierarchy = hierarchical(list(
for idx, dim in enumerate(self.mock_obj.kdims):
# Hide widget if it has 1-to-1 mapping to next widget
if self.plot.dynamic:
widget_data = self._get_dynamic_widget(idx, dim)
widget_data = self._get_static_widget(idx, dim, self.mock_obj, hierarchy,
visibility = '' if widget_data.get('visible', True) else 'display: none'
dim_str = dim.pprint_label
escaped_dim = dimension_sanitizer(dim_str)
widget_data = dict(widget_data, dim=escaped_dim, dim_label=dim_str,
dim_idx=idx, visibility=visibility)
return widgets, dimensions, init_dim_vals
def _get_static_widget(cls, idx, dim, mock_obj, hierarchy, init_dim_vals):
next_dim = ''
next_vals = {}
visible = True
if next_vals:
values = next_vals[init_dim_vals[idx-1]]
values = (list(dim.values) if dim.values else
visible = visible and len(values) > 1
if idx < mock_obj.ndims-1:
next_vals = hierarchy[idx]
next_dim = bytes_to_unicode(mock_obj.kdims[idx+1])
next_vals = {}
if isinstance(values[0], np.datetime64):
values = sorted(values)
dim_vals = [str(v.astype('datetime64[ns]')) for v in values]
widget_type = 'slider'
elif isnumeric(values[0]):
values = sorted(values)
dim_vals = [round(v, 10) for v in values]
if next_vals:
next_vals = {round(k, 10): [round(v, 10) if isnumeric(v) else v
for v in vals]
for k, vals in next_vals.items()}
widget_type = 'slider'
dim_vals = values
next_vals = dict(next_vals)
widget_type = 'dropdown'
value = values[0] if dim.default is None else dim.default
value_labels = escape_list(escape_vals([dim.pprint_value(v)
for v in dim_vals]))
if dim.default is None:
default = 0
init_val = dim_vals[0];
elif dim.default not in dim_vals:
raise ValueError("%s dimension default %r is not in dimension values: %s"
% (dim, dim.default, dim.values))
default = repr(dim_vals.index(dim.default))
init_val = dim.default
dim_vals = escape_list(escape_vals(dim_vals))
next_vals = escape_dict({k: escape_vals(v) for k, v in next_vals.items()})
return {'type': widget_type, 'vals': dim_vals, 'labels': value_labels,
'step': 1, 'default': default, 'next_vals': next_vals,
'next_dim': next_dim or None, 'init_val': init_val,
'visible': visible, 'value': value}
def _get_dynamic_widget(cls, idx, dim):
step = 1
if dim.values:
if all(isnumeric(v) for v in dim.values):
# Widgets currently detect dynamic mode by type
# this value representation is now redundant
# and should be removed in a refactor
values = dim.values
dim_vals = {i: i for i, v in enumerate(values)}
widget_type = 'slider'
values = list(dim.values)
dim_vals = list(range(len(values)))
widget_type = 'dropdown'
value_labels = escape_list(escape_vals([dim.pprint_value(v)
for v in values]))
if dim.default is None:
default = dim_vals[0]
elif widget_type == 'slider':
default = values.index(dim.default)
default = repr(values.index(dim.default))
init_val = default
widget_type = 'slider'
value_labels = []
dim_vals = [dim.soft_range[0] if dim.soft_range[0] else dim.range[0],
dim.soft_range[1] if dim.soft_range[1] else dim.range[1]]
dim_range = dim_vals[1] - dim_vals[0]
int_type = isinstance(dim.type, type) and issubclass(dim.type, int)
if dim.step is not None:
step = dim.step
elif isinstance(dim_range, int) or int_type:
step = 1
step = 10**(round(math.log10(dim_range))-3)
if dim.default is None:
default = dim_vals[0]
default = dim.default
init_val = default
dim_vals = escape_list(escape_vals(sorted(dim_vals)))
return {'type': widget_type, 'vals': dim_vals, 'labels': value_labels,
'step': step, 'default': default, 'next_vals': {},
'next_dim': None, 'init_val': init_val}
def get_key_data(self):
# Generate key data
key_data = OrderedDict()
for i, k in enumerate(
key = escape_tuple(escape_vals(k))
key_data[key] = i
return json.dumps(key_data)
def _get_data(self):
data = super(SelectionWidget, self)._get_data()
widgets, dimensions, init_dim_vals = self.get_widgets()
init_dim_vals = escape_list(escape_vals(init_dim_vals, not self.plot.dynamic))
key_data = {} if self.plot.dynamic else self.get_key_data()
notfound_msg = "<h2 style='vertical-align: middle>No frame at selected dimension value.<h2>"
throttle = self.throttle[self.embed]
return dict(data, Nframes=len(self.mock_obj),
dimensions=dimensions, key_data=key_data,
widgets=widgets, init_dim_vals=init_dim_vals,
throttle=throttle, notFound=notfound_msg)
def update(self, key):
if self.plot.dynamic:
key = tuple(dim.values[k] if dim.values else k
for dim, k in zip(self.mock_obj.kdims, tuple(key)))
key = [key[self.dimensions.index(kdim)] if kdim in self.dimensions else None
for kdim in self.plot.dimensions]
key = wrap_tuple_streams(tuple(key), self.plot.dimensions,