Source code for holoviews.plotting.mpl.pandas

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import param

from ...core.options import Store
from ...interface.pandas import DFrame, DataFrameView, pd
from .element import ElementPlot
from .plot import mpl_rc_context

[docs]class DFrameViewPlot(ElementPlot): """ DFramePlot provides a wrapper around Pandas dataframe plots. It takes a single DataFrameView or DFrameMap as input and plots it using the plotting command selected via the plot_type. The plot_options specifies the valid options to be supplied to the selected plot_type via options.style_opts. """ aspect = param.Parameter(default='square', doc=""" Aspect ratio defaults to square, 'equal' or numeric values are also supported.""") show_grid = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Whether to show a Cartesian grid on the plot.""") plot_type = param.ObjectSelector(default='scatter_matrix', objects=['plot', 'boxplot', 'hist', 'scatter_matrix', 'autocorrelation_plot'], doc=""" Selects which Pandas plot type to use, valid options include: 'plot', 'boxplot', 'hist', 'scatter_matrix' and 'autocorrelation_plot'.""") dframe_options = {'plot': ['kind', 'stacked', 'xerr', 'yerr', 'share_x', 'share_y', 'table', 'style', 'x', 'y', 'secondary_y', 'legend', 'logx', 'logy', 'position', 'colormap', 'mark_right'], 'hist': ['column', 'by', 'grid', 'xlabelsize', 'xrot', 'ylabelsize', 'yrot', 'sharex', 'sharey', 'hist', 'layout', 'bins'], 'boxplot': ['column', 'by', 'fontsize', 'layout', 'grid', 'rot'], 'scatter_matrix': ['alpha', 'grid', 'diagonal', 'marker', 'range_padding', 'hist_kwds', 'density_kwds'], 'autocorrelation': ['kwds']} xticks = param.Number(default=None, doc=""" By default we don't mess with Pandas based tickmarks""") yticks = param.Number(default=None, doc=""" By default we don't mess with Pandas based tickmarks""") style_opts = list({opt for opts in dframe_options.values() for opt in opts}) def __init__(self, view, **params): super(DFrameViewPlot, self).__init__(view, **params) if self.hmap.last.plot_type and 'plot_type' not in params: self.plot_type = self.hmap.last.plot_type @mpl_rc_context def initialize_plot(self, ranges=None): element = self.hmap.last self._validate(element) style = self._process_style([self.cyclic_index]) axis = self.handles['axis'] self._update_plot(axis, element, style) if 'fig' in self.handles and self.handles['fig'] != plt.gcf(): self.handles['fig'] = plt.gcf() return self._finalize_axis(self.keys[-1], element=element, **self.get_axis_kwargs(element)) def _process_style(self, style): style_keys = style.keys() for k in style_keys: if k not in self.dframe_options[self.plot_type]: self.warning('Plot option %s does not apply to %s plot type.' % (k, self.plot_type)) style.pop(k) if self.plot_type not in ['autocorrelation_plot']: style['figsize'] = self.fig_size # Legacy fix for Pandas, can be removed for Pandas >0.14 if self.plot_type == 'boxplot': style['return_type'] = 'axes' return style def get_extents(self, view, ranges): x0, y0, x1, y1 = (np.NaN,) * 4 if ranges: if view.x: x0, x1 = ranges[view.x] if view.x2: y0, y1 = ranges[view.x2] elif view.y: y0, y1 = ranges[view.y] return (x0, y0, x1, y1) def get_axis_kwargs(self, element): if element.x: xlabel = element.get_dimension(element.x).pprint_label if element.x2: ylabel = element.get_dimension(element.x2).pprint_label elif element.y: ylabel = element.get_dimension(element.y).pprint_label return dict(xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel) def _validate(self, dfview): composed = self.handles['axis'] is not None if composed and dfview.ndims > 1 and self.plot_type in ['hist']: raise Exception("Multiple %s plots cannot be composed." % self.plot_type) def _update_plot(self, axis, view, style): if self.plot_type == 'scatter_matrix': pd.scatter_matrix(, ax=axis, **style) elif self.plot_type == 'autocorrelation_plot':, ax=axis, **style) elif self.plot_type == 'plot': opts = dict({'x': view.x, 'y': view.y}, **style)['axis'], **opts) else: getattr(, self.plot_type)(ax=axis, **style)
[docs] def update_handles(self, key, axis, view, ranges, style): """ Update the plot for an animation. """ if not self.plot_type in ['hist', 'scatter_matrix']: if self.zorder == 0 and axis: axis.cla() self._update_plot(axis, view, style) return self.get_axis_kwargs(view)
Store.register({DataFrameView: DFrameViewPlot, DFrame: DFrameViewPlot}, 'matplotlib')